If you frequently use the computer, either to work or to enjoy the tools it offers, it is very possible that you use some commands simple to speed up and facilitate the work. However, there are thousands of commands that you can use that will allow you to get the most out of your PC, saving a lot of time at the end of the day. These commands are especially useful for actions that you constantly repeat, such as copying, pasting, or reloading a web page. That is, instead of having to go step by step to execute these tasks, you can do it directly with the appropriate combinations that we are going to show you below.
But in addition to these commands that are commonly known, there are many others that we can access through the terminal and that will allow us to get the most out of our computer's performance. These are less frequent to see but there are many that will be very useful for us depending on our tasks. If you want to know more about these tools, we encourage you to continue reading this guide to learn tricks that will help you save time and improve your work experience.
What are commands and what are they for?
The commands are formed by the combination of two or more keys, which send a direct and specific order to the operating system. These are very useful tools that skip all the steps to perform the same task much faster. For example, to copy a file we have to right click on the file and select the copy option, while using these paths we can do it directly by pressing two keys. Therefore, they aim save time in the execution of tasks and greatly simplify the interactions and operations with the operating system.
List of most useful commands
Below we will present the list of commands that may be most useful to you while using your computer, classifying them based on their simplicity. First we will talk about some very simple commands basic tasks and then others that can help you enter directly into your PC software. It is important to comment that each operating system has its own list of commands, although they all share some common ones.
simple commands
If you have been using your computer for a while, you probably already know many of these combinations that we are going to present to you. They are also known as keyboard shortcuts. They are about tools to make our work easier when we perform basic functions such as restarting a page, copying files, creating folders... but that sometimes we don't know about and can help us save a lot of time.
- Copy files: Ctrl + C
- Paste files: Ctrl + V
- cut files: Ctrl + X
- Undo action: Ctrl + Z
- Reset window: F5
- Open new window: Ctrl + N
- Close the window: Ctrl + W
- Create a new folder: Ctrl + Shift + N
- Select all documents: Ctrl + A
- Open search: Ctrl + E
- Open task manager: Ctrl + Shift + Esc
- Open file explorer: Windows key + E
- Open settings: Windows key + I
- Open logout menu: Ctrl + Alt + Delete
- Maximize/minimize window: F11
These combinations file management will be much easier and the different menus that Windows has to access the configuration more easily. They are the commands that we consider most useful for the general public, but if you want to get the complete list of Microsoft commands we recommend that you visit their Official Site.
Commands to run on Windows
The Windows operating system has a very useful tool, but one that not everyone knows about, to make it much easier for us to manage our files and access the configuration and most relevant information about our software. This is the toolRun", which you can access with the following combination: Windows key + R. Or by right-clicking on the button Ibegin, and selecting the Run option.
Once this is done, a dialog box in which we can execute commands to access information, files or the configuration itself directly without having to navigate through multiple windows. As before, here we will present the routes that we consider most useful for you, classifying them according to the type of action you want to carry out, but you can consult the entire list on the page Microsoft.
Commands to run applications
These are the main commands that you can use to open applications and programs directly from the Windows run tool.
- TASKGMR: Open task manager
- EXPLORE: Open Windows File Explorer
- CONTROL SCHEDATASKS: Open Windows Task Scheduler
- DCM: Open Windows Command Prompt (Terminal)
- RSTRUI: Open Windows System Restore
- I EXPLORE: Open Internet Explorer browser
- WINWORD: Open Microsoft Word
- EXCEL: Open Excel
- TABTIP: Open Windows Writing Pad
- NOTEPAD: open notepad
- CALC: open calculator
- OSK: Open virtual keyboard
Control commands and system information
- CONTROL: Open control panel
- ADMIN TOOLS CONTROL: Open administrative tools
- CONTROLLER KEYBOARD: Open keyboard settings
- CONTROL FOLDERS: Open folder options
- WINVER: Windows version information
- Perfmon: Performance Monitor
- MSINFO32: System information
- MSCONFIG: System configuration
Advanced commands with the terminal
Before analyzing the main commands that you can use in your PC's terminal, it is important to comment on what this tool is, what it is used for and how you can access it. The terminal is a technology that works through commands and It is used to execute programs or different actions on the computer software. To access it you just have to look for the “Terminal” option, or “Symbol of the system» in the Windows menu or browser. You can also use the path «DCM» in the run tool to access it directly. This is a function widely used by advanced people such as programmers and computer scientists, since it is really quite difficult to use, although there are some very useful and simple commands that we are going to teach you so that you can also take advantage of this tool.
- CLS: Clear terminal screen
- COPY: Copy one or more files
- DATE: Change the computer date
- TIME: Delete files
- MKDIR: create directory
- DIR: View created directories
- EXIT: exit terminal
- FORMAT: Format hard drive
- ATTRIB: Modify the properties of one or more files
- RENAME: Change the name of one or more files
- MD: Create a folder in the directory
As we have mentioned, this tool is difficult to use, but if you want to learn more about it and get a great performance out of your PCWe invite you to take a look at our web page where we have many tips to learn how to handle it correctly.