How to quickly lock a Windows computer from the keyboard

  • Interrupting computer tasks can be awkward in public settings.
  • Using the Win + L key combination quickly locks the screen.
  • The lock screen shows only the background, date, and minimal notifications.
  • The session is not closed, allowing you to easily resume tasks.

Windows 10

In real life, whether at work, at home or anywhere else, one of the things that can be most annoying is the fact that we are performing a certain task with our private computer and suddenly someone interrupts us trying to find out what is being done.

There is no doubt that this can become uncomfortable if you do not know how to manage, but there is a trick that will be able to help you easily resolve this situation at any time and very quickly, since it is only a matter of pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard of your computer.

Avoid suspicious looks with this keyboard shortcut in Windows

As we mentioned, although it is true that the keyboard shortcut can be used perfectly for more things, it is quite suitable for those cases in which peepers appear, for example, since it will be the fastest and the one that leaves the least information in view.

It is about that in those moments you directly press the combination of the key with the Windows logo + L, since when you do this the lock screen will automatically appear of your computer, showing only the wallpaper, the date and time of the computer, as well as the preview of some notifications at the bottom.

Windows 10
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Of course, when doing this you must bear in mind that the session is not closed at any time, so when you return you will have available exactly what you left open. To do this, you will only have to unlock your computer in the same way that you do when you turn it on, either with a password, a PIN, Windows Hello or any other method, and you will be able to go back to everything you were doing before proceeding to lock it. .

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