Passwords are part of our day to day. Since we use passwords for almost everything nowadays. Also to log in to our Windows 10 computer. In this case we can use the password or a PIN. But, there are users who wish not to have to enter this information. Fortunately, we can do login automatically in Windows 10.
Thus, When activating this, what we do is eliminate the password verification when starting Windows 10. So we will not have to remember the password at all times. How do I configure automatic login? We show you below.
First we have to open the run window. For it, we use the key combination Win + R. By doing this we get the run window at the bottom of the screen. In it there is a text box. So, in this box we must enter the following: netplwiz. (No period after the text).
Once we enter this text and click OK, a new window appears. This time it is the user accounts section. Within this section we have to find and uncheck a box that has the following text: "Users must enter their name and password to use the equipment." By default it is checked for all Windows 10 users. But now we uncheck it.
Then, as a security measure, the team will ask us to enter our username and password. It is simply a procedure to make sure that we are the ones doing this. In addition to being a measure in case there are more users on the same computer.
In case you want to activate the use of the password again, the process to carry out is the same. From what you can see that enabling or disabling automatic login in Windows 10 is very simple.