Manage fonts on a PC with Font Viewer

  • Font Viewer allows you to easily manage and view all the fonts installed in Windows.
  • Supports font formats such as TrueType, OpenType and Type 1, making management easy.
  • The application allows you to organize fonts to simplify the search and cleaning of unused ones.
  • It is a free tool compatible with Windows Vista and later versions, offering a better experience than the native Windows directory.

When it comes to managing fonts on our computer, if we do not have a specific application that allows us to see what the result it offers us, it is most likely that we will end up filling our copy of Windows with fonts that we will never use.

Each font offers us a unique typeface and with which we can obtain spectacular results. But if we are looking for a specific source and we do not want to install them on our PC, the best we can do is use the Font Viewer application.

Font Viewer, is a simple application with which we can not only manage all sources that are installed on our Windows computer, but also allows us to install new fonts (which previously allows us to view) as well as allowing us to clean up and keep only the fonts that we know for sure that we are going to use.

Font Viewer supports TrueType, OpenType and Type 1 fonts. As soon as you open the application, all the fonts that we have installed are shown along with a thumbnail where the font that it offers you is shown. It also allows us to organize them so that when performing a search it is much easier, it allows us to print a list with the fonts, both those installed and those found on our hard drive without installing ...

Front Viewer is the best application that we can currently find on the market for free, which allows us to interact with the sources of our system without any problem or complications, since the option that Windows offers us natively through the Fonts directory located within the Windows directory, is neither the most advisable nor the simplest. Font View is compatible with Windows Vista onwards and you can download through the following link.

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