Methods to hack Instagram and how to avoid being hacked

  • Hacking Instagram is illegal and can have legal consequences.
  • There are methods such as brute force, impersonation and spy apps to try to hack accounts.
  • It is essential to protect your account through privacy settings and reporting suspicious content.
  • Education on responsible use of social media is essential to prevent hacking.

app logo

For a few years now there are many people who have managed to learn how to hack Instagram, this is an activity that has arisen because since 2010 this has become one of the most popular applications. So there are many people who seek to take control of the account of other users without their permission.

It must be made clear that hacking Instagram is an activity that is against the law Therefore, it is not something that is recommended. In this article we will not only talk about some methods to hack Instagram and how you can prevent yours from being hacked.

Why can it be useful to hack an Instagram account?

Although we have already indicated that hacking Instagram is an illegal activity, this could be useful in some personal cases. Here are some of them:

  • If you have forgotten your password and you had no backup accounts.
  • In case you want to verify your child's account (although in this case it would be an invasion of your privacy).
  • If you have updated the app and now you can't access it.

In any case, the hacking an Instagram should not be used to affect third partiesIt should only be used in emergencies. In addition to making it clear that it is an illegal activity and, therefore, it can bring you into trouble with the law.

Methods to hack Instagram

So far there are several known methods to hack Instagram, then we will talk a little about them:

The brute force method

This was one of the most used a few years ago, with this method they used a "txt document" in which there were updated passwords and that they were used frequently in their browser. The program goes through the list of passwords and tries one by one until it finds the perfect combination.

Over time this method was not possible, due to the use of special characters, random password generators, two-factor authentication, among others. Furthermore, it is known that Instagram has developed a system against brute force, so this method is not currently feasible.

use instagram

Use of impersonation links

This is a method that is illegal and that is one of the most used to be able to hack Instagram and although it does not ensure that the objective can be achieved, there are many users who have been victims of it.

To begin with, the person you want apply the method must know about Code, to be able to create a custom site, but be very similar to the official Instagram page. On said page, a login section must be created where the person must enter their username or email and login password.

Once the person has created their page, it creates an Instagram security alert email, in which it copies all the features of the original Instagram email. But they also include the link to the page "access to Instagram" with which you can recover your account.

If the person accesses the web and enters their username and password, you would be giving your access data to hackers, therefore, they would have access to it.

This is quite an expensive method, since the creation of the fictitious website may represent a high investment, but this does not guarantee that they can actually hack the Instagram of their targets.

spy apps

The use of spy applications has also become one of the methods with which useful data can be obtained to hack Instagram. Perhaps the problem with this type of application is that the person from whom you want to obtain the data must install it on their device in order to collect the data.

At present, there are many parents who have resorted to this type of application, since young people have migrated to application chats such as Instagram. Hence, the parents of the youngest want to know who they communicate with and what type of information other users send to their children.

hack instagram

In the case of application use you have to keep in mind that not all are reliable, so we recommend that you do not trust those that offer a free service. In the case of payments, it is necessary that before deciding on one, it is recommended that you look for references on its functionality.

One of the most used today, this mSpy It is a paid application, but what many users recommend those parents who want to know what content they are watching and the messages their children are receiving on Instagram. This application can be used for both Android devices and iPhone or iPad devices.

Tricks to prevent them from hacking your Instagram

So you can prevent any external user from hacking your Instagram You can resort to a number of tricks. Next, we give you some of the most useful and effective to protect yourself:

You have to make your account private

This is one of the most effective methods to avoid that another person can hack your Instagram, since by using a private account you can control which users can see your posts and who cannot. To achieve this, you just have to follow the following steps:

  1. First you must open the application of Instagram.
  2. Then you must click your profile icon and once there press the configuration bars which is set in the upper right corner.
  3. Once you have entered the menu, you must select the section Adjustment.
  4. Then you must go to the options Privacy .
  5. When you have already entered privacy, you must select the option of activate private account.

hack instagram

Control who can mention you in the comments

The power to limit who can mention you in Instagram posts It is another of the methods that can help you avoid account hacking. Since through the label they can interact with your account or with you and thus find a way to obtain your access data. To achieve this, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. What you should do is enter the instagram application with your username and password.
  2. Then you must go to your profile, by pressing the icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  3. Once in it, you must press the Settings bars, which is located in the upper right corner.
  4. Now you must enter the configuration option and you must enter the section of Privacy .
  5. When you are in the privacy section, you must enter the Mentions option. In this they will give you the options of: everyone, people you follow and the option nobody.
  6. In this case the recommended option is “people you follow”, so you limit who can mention you.

Limit who can contact you by private message

Private messages is one of the most used methods to contact you and obtain data from you, that is, it is one of the most used to hack Instagram. So that you can limit who can send you private messages you can follow the following steps:

  1. It's necessary that login with your username and password to the Instagram account.
  2. Enter your profile by pressing the icon with your photo, once in it you must enter the configuration bars.
  3. Being in configuration you must look for the section of Privacy and click on the option messages or chat.
  4. Now you need to select if the strange messages can appear in your main inbox, in the requests folder or if they are not received at all.

instagram on mobile

Limit photo tagging

You can limit who tags you in photos, in this way you prevent your user from being exposed on the social network and, therefore, you are less likely to have someone try to hack your Instagram.

To control who can tag you on this social network, you just have to follow the steps that we give you below:

  1. The first thing you should do is enter your Instagram profile.
  2. Now click on your profile icon and you must enter the configuration bars.
  3. Now you need to enter the section of Privacy .
  4. When you have already entered the privacy section, you must click on the option Publications.
  5. Once you are in publications, you will notice the section “allow tags” in which you have options to select: Everyone, People you follow or Nobody.
  6. By sliding below you can activate the option of approve tags manually.

Report spam comments

In the event that you have been mentioned or tagged in a suspicious post, you can report that account as spam so they won't be able to hack your Instagram or someone else's. In order to report that comment as spam, you can follow these steps:

from the phone and computer

  1. The first thing you should do is select suspicious comment in which you have been tagged.
  2. Now, once selected, you must click on the icon that has a exclamation mark. It is usually located at the top of the screen.
  3. Now you must select the option “report this comment” and you can choose to block that account.
  4. By doing so you would be doing the spam report to Instagram.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.