Methods to rename files massively

  • Windows does not offer a native option to bulk rename files.
  • File Explorer allows you to rename multiple files at once with consecutive numbering.
  • PowerShell and Command Prompt offer advanced options for technical users.
  • External tools like Advanced Renamer and File Grinder make the process easier with more features.

rename files

In the last two versions of Microsoft's operating system, significant improvements have been made in many aspects, including file management. However, there are still some pending issues, such as what we are going to discuss in this post: there is no definitive method, for example, to rename files in bulk. For that we still need to resort to external tricks.

The question does not seem very important from the outset. What's wrong with renaming files individually? Obviously, this does not require much effort when dealing with a small number of elements. The real problem arises when managing large volumes of files. In those cases, a tool to handle them in bulk is of great help.

Probably everyone already knows the simple method to perform this action. Just in case, it is worth remembering. There are two ways to select the file you want to rename: by pressing the “F2” key or by right-clicking to access the “rename” option. Afterwards, we just have to insert the new name for the file.

But using this method when we have to rename tens or hundreds of files is not practical at all. It takes too much time and effort. Next, we will see the alternatives the ones we have to do this:

With Windows File Explorer

windows explorer

This is one of the easiest ways to rename files in bulk: using the Windows File Explorer. These are the steps to follow:

  1. First of all, we copy and paste all the files that we want to rename in the same folder.
  2. Next, we select them all with the mouse.
  3. Then, just right-click on one of the files (for example, on the first one) and choose the "rename" option.
  4. Finally, we type the name of the file and press Enter.

With this method we are going to get all these files to be renamed simultaneously. They will all have the same name, though with consecutive numbering. For example, if the name chosen to rename a group of files is "House_Photos", the files will be renamed as follows: House_Photos(1), House_Photos(2), House_Photos(3), etc.

Via Command Prompt

symbol of the system

This is another possibility that Windows offers us to rename files: using the Command Prompt command line. If we are familiar with the use of the Windows commands, the actions to execute are relatively simple.

We introduce the REN or RENAME command and then we specify the path [ :] [ ]  where "drive" refers to the disk where the files are stored, "path" refers to the directory location, "file1" to the original name, and "file2" to the new name.

With PowerShell


Application PowerShell It also offers us the possibility of carrying out this type of action. Like Command Prompt, this application works through a command line and scripting language. Let's see how you can rename files through this means.

Let's illustrate it with an example: let's imagine that the file Photos_House and we want to replace the underscore ("_") with a normal hyphen ("-"). To do so, we insert the path to the file in question and write the following command line: Dir | Rename-Item-NewNam {$ -replace "_", "-"}

In this way we will be able to speed up the name change process by acting massively on several files.

Using external tools

This is the go-to resource for those who don't want to make life too complicated. Using specific software for this task, we will not only be able to rename files massively, but we will also have more configuration options at our disposal. Here are some of the best apps:

Advanced Renamer

advanced renamer

This is a very popular online tool, totally free and really effective. In addition, it is available in several languages, also in Spanish. With Advanced Renamer We will be able to make massive file name changes. To do this, it offers us several methods.

For example, it allows us to change names and attributes, as well as move files to new locations. In short, a very practical and easy-to-use website.

Link: Advanced Renamer

file grinder

Another good program to perform bulk actions on a set of files. For name change file grinder uses a peculiar labeling system that allows us to establish different parameters. It also gives us the opportunity to create a backup of all our original files. Its interface is simple, within the reach of any kind of user.

Download link: file grinder


Finally, we mention a simple app that allows us to create rules to rename files or folders massively: using prefixes and suffixes, sequential numbers, symbols or alphanumeric characters, etc. ReNamer It is a simple tool, but also very versatile.

Although it is free, it has a paid Pro version with numerous advanced options.

Download link: ReNamer

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