Microsoft begins shipping the first Surface Studios to users who made a reservation

  • The Surface Studio is an all-in-one from Microsoft with an attractive and powerful design.
  • It offers a 28-inch touch screen with 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution.
  • Available with Intel Core i5/i7 processors and up to 32GB of RAM.
  • Prices range from $999 to $2,199 depending on the specifications chosen.

Surface Studio

Almost a month ago Microsoft officially presented the new Surface Studio, an all in one that left practically no one indifferent, due to its design and its enormous power, and that although its price is very high for a huge number of users, it was well received, the initial stock running out and causing a problem to those of Redmond.

The reservation made by a large number of users, not specified by Microsoft, entailed the shipment of the device on the first day it was officially available on the market. That day has come and if you reserved a Surface Studio from today on, you could receive it at your home or office to start enjoying it and taking advantage of it.

Next we are going to review the Surface Studio main features and specifications, so that even the most absent-minded can locate themselves;

  • 28-inch touch screen with a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels
  • Intel Core i5 / i7 processor
  • 8/16/32 GB of RAM
  • 1/2 TB internal storage with hybrid configuration
  • Geforce 980M graphics card
  • Ports: audio jack, SD slot, mini display port, ethernet, USB 3.0 (x 4)

Despite the fact that from today the new Surface Studio will begin to reach all those users who made a reservation, it will not arrive in stores until next month, with prices that you can see just below;

  • Intel Core i5 with 8GB RAM, 2GB GPU and 1TB storage: U.S. dollar 999
  • Intel Core i7 with 16GB RAM, 2GB GPU and 1TB storage: U.S. dollar 499
  • Intel Core i7 with 32GB RAM, 4GB GPU and 2TB storage: U.S. dollar 199

Do you think the Surface Studio will make a significant dent in the market?.

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      jlfranco said

    With those prices I'm sure I'll take one 😉