Microsoft Classroom and Forms, the new services for the educational world

  • Microsoft Classroom and Microsoft Forms are new educational services from Microsoft.
  • Microsoft Forms will compete directly with Google Forms in the educational field.
  • Both tools require an Office 365 Education account to use.
  • Microsoft is looking to position itself in the educational market against platforms such as Moodle.

Microsoft Classroom and Forms

Although the center of Microsoft now passes through the business and mobile world, Bill Gates' great company does not waste other fields or markets where it has remained only for a long time as the educational market. During the last years the educational market has been receiving products from Apple and Google, but Microsoft still has the last word. Yesterday he officially presented your new Microsoft Classroom and Microsoft Forms service, two tools to improve teaching through the digital world.

The first of these services will make it possible to ccreate an educational platform where the teacher can offer everything necessary for the student to learnIt will also connect with Office 365 and OneNote Class services that will allow students and teachers to have work and notes in a synchronized way.

Microsoft Forms will rival Google Forms as well as Microsoft Classroom with Moodle

But maybe the most interesting is Microsoft Forms, a service that will allow the teacher to create surveys, tests, exams, etc ... to check the student's knowledge. But Microsoft Forms will also be a tough rival for Google Forms And although at the moment it can only be used in the educational world, the tool may be open to more audiences, being able to compete directly with Google Forms.

At the moment, both Microsoft Classroom and Microsoft Forms only can be used through an Office 365 Education account, an account that, on the other hand, many students from Spain have and that seems to have access to new Microsoft technologies, but it must also be said that it is not a finished technology, that is, Microsoft continues to work on it and continues to improve it for better use by the educational community.

Both Microsoft Classroom and Microsoft Forms are interesting technologies that remind me of the free Moodle platform, it goes without saying that for sure Microsoft wants to offer the same as Moodle, But Will it really succeed in overshadowing the great educational platform?

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