El new Microsoft Edge based on Chromium technology It has been a before and after in terms of compatibility and browsing experience. In addition, we have seen how also a multitude of new functionalities have been incorporated, which depending on your personal use can be very useful.
One of the features that have been renovated and yet not everyone knows, is the number of keyboard shortcuts available in order to streamline tasks and be more efficient. And the thing is, with the new version all those Chromium technology standards have been integrated, in addition to some specific ones by Microsoft. For this same reason, we are going to introduce you all new keyboard shortcuts available in Microsoft Edge Chromium.
List: these are all the keyboard shortcuts available in the new Microsoft Edge Chromium
As we mentioned, in this case there are many keyboard shortcuts that have been added and that can be used in the new Microsoft Edge Chromium. For this reason, we wanted to make a compilation and incorporate all of them into it, so that you know them and can get the most out of them when browsing.

In this case, the keyboard shortcuts are quite numerous in the latest version of Microsoft Edge Chromium. For this reason, and in order to facilitate their identification, we have divided them into three different categories: the shortcuts that include the Alt key, those that are based on the Ctrl key, and finally some keys and combinations that are typical of Microsoft and not Chromium technology.
Alt-based keyboard shortcuts
- Alt + Shift + B: Set focus to the first item in the favorites bar.
- Alt + D: select the URL from the address bar.
- Alt + E: open the Settings menu.
- Alt + Shift + I: Open the Send Feedback box.
- Alt + Left Arrow: go back.
- Alt + Right Arrow: go forward.
- Alt + Home: open the main page.
- Alt + F4: close the window.
Control-based keyboard shortcuts
- Ctrl + D: save current page to favorites.
- Ctrl + E: open a search query in the address bar.
- Ctrl + F: search the open page.
- Ctrl + H: open the History in a new tab.
- Ctrl + T: open a new tab.
- Ctrl + U: see source code.
- Ctrl + W: close the tab.
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab: go to the previous tab
- Ctrl + Tab: go to the next tab.
- Ctrl + 1, 2,… 9: switch to the corresponding tab.
- Ctrl + F4: close current tab.
- Ctrl + G: jump to the next search match.
- Ctrl + Shift + G: jump to the previous match in the search.
- Ctrl + J: open downloads in a new tab.
- Ctrl + L: select the URL from the address bar.
- Ctrl + M: mute the current tab.
- Ctrl + N: open a new window.
- Ctrl + P: print page.
- Ctrl + R: reload page.
- Ctrl + S: save page.
- Ctrl + O: open a file.
- Ctrl + Shift + B: show or hide favorites bar.
- Ctrl + Shift + D: save all open tabs in favorites, in a new folder.
- Ctrl + Shift + I: open developer tools.
- Ctrl + Shift + M: log in with another user.
- Ctrl + Shift + N: open a new private window.
- Ctrl + Shift + O: open Favorites management.
- Ctrl + Shift + P: print from dialog box.
- Ctrl + Shift + R: reload current page without cache.
- Ctrl + Shift + T: reopen the last closed tab.
- Ctrl + Shift + V: paste without formatting.
- Ctrl + Shift + W: close current window.
- Ctrl + Enter: add www. at the beginning and .com at the end.
- Ctrl + Shift + Del: open delete options.
- Ctrl + +: zoom in.
- Ctrl + -: zoom out.
Microsoft Edge specific keyboard shortcuts
- F1: open Help.
- F3: search.
- F4: select the URL from the address bar.
- F5: reload page.
- Shift + F5: reload page without cache.
- F6: change the focus to the next panel.
- Shift + F6: switch focus to the previous panel.
- Shift + F10: open context menu.
- F11: open full screen.
- F12: development tools.
Source: Microsoft