Microsoft has launched a series of new payment plans to encourage businesses to incorporate their Surface line of devices into their daily operations. The plans are arranged in such a way for both individual business owners and larger companies.
Although it should be mentioned that in order for these Microsoft Surface subscription plans for companies to be approved, they must first pass through the LiftForward financial agency. The proposal is to have the option of available update, support and training the seven days of the week.
Subscription plans include personal training that will help the company reach another level, apart from having member discounts and daily support. Plans begin from $ 32,99 per month and it increases depending on the device you want to use.
The website shows the Surface 3, Surface Pro 4, and Surface Book as the options available and the plans can be paid over a period of 18, 24 and 30 months. These plans include the option for free hardware updates whenever new Surface devices are released. like that surface pro 5.
While the plan, as is usually the case with most of these payment plans, it is more expensive than buying a device, there is an added benefit and this is the training offered from Microsoft seven days a week. It is not clear for how long this training can be extended, but it is one of the reasons why any company can be encouraged to take advantage of these subscription plans for the Microsoft Surface in each of its models.
Members of this plan will also be able to qualify for discounts on other Microsoft products at the same time as accessing an accidental damage protection program, which is vital in an offer like this.