Move windows using the Windows keyboard

  • Keyboard shortcuts in Windows allow you to control windows without using the mouse.
  • Knowing these combinations is crucial to improving work efficiency.
  • Snap mode makes it easy to quickly snap windows to the sides of the screen.
  • There are specific shortcuts for maximizing, minimizing, and managing multiple windows.

windows keyboard

Microsoft's operating system has many convenient features and options for controlling application windows. Accustomed to habitually managing ourselves with the mouse, we often forget that almost all of them can be controlled by means of keyboard shortcuts, the famous windows shortcuts. Knowing these key combinations will help us get more out of the system. In this post we will focus on one of them in particular: move windows with it windows keyboard.

What real utility does this function have? Beyond the fact that it is always good to have a better understanding of the ins and outs of the system, one day we may find that the mouse is broken or has stopped working correctly. If we don't have one to replace it or we have an urgent job to finish and we can't waste time on repairs or going to buy a new one, move windows with Windows keyboard can be the great solution.

Microsoft Arc Mouse
Related article:
Microsoft Arc Mouse, Microsoft's new folding mouse

Next we are going to see some ways to carry out these operations in Windows and forget, even for a moment, about the mouse.

View and manage windows

windows keyboard shortcut

To display the windows in Windows 10 there is a very practical and well-known key combination for most users: Windows + Tab. When using it, a mosaic with all the windows that we have open at that moment will be displayed on the screen.

Then to move between the different open applications, we will use a new keyboard combination: Ctrl+Tab. For browser windows, the command to use is Alt + Tab.

If we have a considerable number of open windows, this method can be somewhat inconvenient. In this case, it is always better to use a combination of keys that allows us to open a certain window. that command is Windows + the number that the window occupies in order from left to right: Windows Key + 1, Windows Key + 2, etc.

On the other hand, to hide open applications and windows and display the content of the Desktop, the key combination to which we must resort is this: Windows +, (the comma symbol). We will use the same combination to reset the state of the windows.

Another very useful and well-known key to reload the content of windows is F5.

maximize and minimize

windows shortcuts

To work with different windows you need a certain agility of movements. Not only open and close, but also maximize, minimize and drag windows to change their education. For example, once we have selected the window in question, if we want to maximize it to obtain a full screen view, simply press the key F11.

To minimize the windows, we can do it in two ways. If what we want is minimize all windows in bulk, we will use the keyboard shortcut Windows + D. Then, to restore the state of the windows, we will press Ctrl + Shift + M. 

We can also minimize all except the active window. To do this, use the key combination Windows + Start.

Move windows around the screen


There is a very peculiar way of Windows that allows us snap windows to one side of the screen: the left or the right side. It's the way snap of Windows. To achieve this, you just have to drag the window in question to one of the sides. By doing this, its size will be adjusted automatically.

To do this using the keyboard, press the Windows + the right or left arrow, depending on which side of the screen we want to move the window to. In this case the keyboard shortcut is much simpler than the mouse.

Finally, we will mention another practical method to move a window around the screen of our computer. The shortcut to use for this is as follows: Alt + space bar. A menu will be shown at the top left. One of your options is "move". Then you just have to select it and use the arrow keys to move the window.

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