Nero 9 Essentials, now completely free

To "burn" optical discs, or to save data on the hard drive, many users resort to the application Nero Essentials, which allows us to create an album easily, and even to be able to edit its cover and label.

The news of the day is that this application will now be available for download completely free, with all its functions and utilities without having to spend a euro.

The latest version released on July 30, 2009, Nero 9 Essentials, includes the basic functionalities to be able to burn CD's and DVD's, in addition to the utilities for which we previously had to pay a license.

This version offers full compatibility with the operating system Microsoft Windows 7, in addition to the versions Vista and XP.

To download it to your hard drive, just click on the following link:

Download Nero 9 Essentials version

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      adonai said

    Thank you very much for the information, I hope it is not a trial version.
    I mean, they always say Free is a trial version ...
    Thanks for adding the Link, too.

      adonai said

    Does not start.
    I get an error that tells me that it is not possible due to the configurations.
    I do not know how to configure the programs, so I provide the error so that you can guide me and help me.

    Envion Rejected
    Application usage info submission rejected. Check internet or firewall settings and try again

      walter hidalgo said


      Roma said

    I can't download it…. it makes my screen blank

      Mariano Martin Fernandez said

    Walter and Romi:
    The link for direct download of this version has expired, in the next articles of windows noticias I will offer you a new version with a new download link.
