New design of Microsoft's Sticky Notes app and other changes

  • Sticky Notes lets you create customizable digital notes on Windows devices.
  • The upcoming update will include a OneNote-like redesign and new features like note searching.
  • Users can sync notes across devices and pin them to the desktop for easy access.
  • Useful tricks include keyboard shortcuts and creating to-do lists to improve productivity.

New design of Microsoft's Sticky Notes app and other changes

Sticky Notes It has become one of Microsoft's most popular applications, and now it is about to undergo a renovation process that will make it even more practical and include support for OneNote.

Microsoft has not officially confirmed it, and the little that is known comes from a leak of the alleged new interface that the app will have. While the current logo is purple, the new version closely resembles that of OneNote, which has led users to speculate that the two products will merge.

What is Sticky Notes?

What is Sticky Notes?

It is an application that allows you to create virtual notes on devices that use Windows as the operating system. With an appearance very similar to classic paper sticky notes.

We can use these digital notes to leave ourselves a reminder, make a to-do list, or even doodle a little in our downtime.

Among its most notable features we must refer to:

  • Creating quick notes. Its main functionality is to create notes quickly and easily to remember important information.
  • Personalization. You can customize the appearance of the notes by changing their color, size, and even the text style. Thus, you can create your own notes code to know which messages you have to give preference to.
  • Advanced text features. You can highlight content in bold, italics, or with underlines. You can also create numbered lists and bullet points, which makes it easier for you to structure information.
  • Drawing and writing by hand. So that the digital version of digital sticky notes does not deprive you of the pleasure of writing by hand, you can take notes on them freehand.
  • Reminders. It is possible to add reminders to the created notes, to keep important tasks or events in mind.
  • Anchor on the desktop. Notes created through Sticky Notes can be pinned to the desktop so they are always visible and accessible. This facilitates quick consultation of them.
  • Synchronization between devices. If you have the app installed on different devices with Windows operating system, you can synchronize the notes.

The design change that is coming to Sticky Notes

The design change that is coming to Sticky Notes

From what is perceived through the filtration we talked about before, Everything seems to indicate that Sticky Notes is going to be renewed in a very profound way.

It will change its logo and also the tone of the interface, to look more like that of OneNote. Other general style changes are also appreciated, like the rounded corners on the windows, something we have already seen in Copilot.

To make this app even more accessible, one of the changes that is coming is the new functionality of “Recent notes.” In this section all the notes that we have written in the last 24 hours will be grouped. Something that is very useful for searching for information.

But without a doubt, one of the most anticipated features is the note search. It seems that the new version will now integrate a search bar that will allow us to find the notes based on their content. This represents a great leap in quality for this app, and meets one of the long-standing demands of users.

Possibly the Sticky Notes update will come with other new features, but at the moment nothing has been revealed about them. Microsoft has not confirmed when the new version will arrive either.

Tricks to get the most out of Sticky Notes

Tricks to get the most out of Sticky Notes

While the app is being renewed, it doesn't hurt to review some basic tricks that will help you make the most of its functionalities.

Keyboard shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts for Sticky Notes They are a quick and easy way to navigate the app. Thanks to them you can create new notes, delete notes, or increase the text size.

There are many more, but here are some useful shortcuts:

  • Control + N. Create a new note.
  • Control + D Delete the selected note.
  • Control + Shift. Increase the size of the note text.

Create task lists

Task planning is essential for good time management. If you have Sticky Notes you don't need an agenda, because You can create your to-do lists in your notes. Use the bullet system or numbering to create a to-do log. As you do things you can cross them out.

With this simple system you can significantly increase your productivity, so go ahead and try it.

Create your notes code

You can customize the notes by color and size, so you can create a code that helps you have the information well segmented.

For example, notes of a certain color for urgent tasks. Notes of a different color for personal matters, and notes of a different color for work matters. Thus, at a single glance, You will be able to know what you have pending.

Sync with your Microsoft account

To always have your notes at hand, create or modify them, it will be very useful for you to synchronize your devices with your Microsoft account. Thus, You can access your notes from anywhere and at any time.

Something that will be very practical for you, because as soon as you start using them you will no longer know how to live without them.

Pin your notes to your desktop

It's not about filling your desktop with notes, but you should take advantage of this functionality to give visibility to those that collect important information. So You can review them without having to open the app.

Archive your notes

There are notes that you can delete directly after they have fulfilled their function, but there are others that you may want to save. The good thing about Sticky Notes is that you can archive your notes, and so You can consult them in the future if you need them again, and will not interfere with active notes.

Sticky Notes is a perfect tool to boost your professional and personal productivity. Thanks to them you will never forget anything important again. Therefore, stay tuned for the upcoming update and take advantage of its new features.

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