How to Open a PDF in Word

  • The PDF format is not editable, so converting it to Word is essential to make modifications.
  • There are simple methods in Word to open and edit PDF files directly.
  • Online tools like Adobe PDF Editor, I Love PDF and PDF2GO can be used for efficient conversions.
  • Some conversions may experience errors, especially with complex documents containing images.

open pdf in word

The use of the PDF format for documents of all kinds is widespread, from students to professionals. Almost as much as the use of the Microsoft Office word processor, the popular Word. However, there are many differences that exist between the two and that complicate our lives when we have to go from one format to the other. For this reason it is interesting to know how to open a pdf in word We explain it to you in this post.

First we will analyze the conventional method to do it, which by the way is quite simple. If the result does not convince us or we want to do something more complex, we will always have the option of using an external tool, to which we will also dedicate a few lines.

Simple method

Why is it interesting to know how to open a PDF in Word? As everyone knows, one of the key features of the PDF format is that it is not editable. So, if we need to make changes to a document, the most practical thing is to convert it to Word and edit it from there so that, once the work is finished, convert it again. But before having to resort to external converters, this method is worth trying:

  1. We open the program Become on our computer.
  2. We choose the option "Blank document".
  3. In the upper left corner of the window, we select the tab "File".
  4. Then a drop-down menu opens, in which we click on the option "Open" (it's the first on the list).
  5. In the new menu that is shown to us, we see the sources from which we can open a document. we just have to select the PDF document that we want to open in Word. This process may take more or less, depending on the size of the file.

This is how we have finished the first phase of the process: importing the PDF document into a Word template. The Microsoft Office program will notify us by means of a notice. The document appears on the Word page looking somewhat garish, perhaps with different font types, misplaced paragraphs, or underlined words, among other things.

Now the next phase of the process begins: editing the new file using the options available in Microsoft Word. After doing so, we can extract the suitably modified PDF document. This is done in three easy steps:

  1. We click on the menu "File".
  2. select "Save as", which will open a dropdown menu.
  3. In it, simply we select PDF and click on "To accept".

Insert PDF into Word

insert pdf in word

There is an alternative and even faster method to open a PDF in Word that consists of inserting it into the document itself. These are the steps that we must follow using a PC:

  1. First of all, let's go to the menu "Insert" and, in the panel on the right, we select the option "Object".
  2. Then a pop-up window opens, where we have to choose "Adobe Acrobat Document".
  3. Finally, we add the PDF files that we want to open in Word.

Important: In both this and the other method, it is likely that the "transfer" or conversion from PDF to Word has some failures. This happens especially when the document contains many images or graphics. If it is simply text, the result is much better.

Online tools to convert a PDF to Word

As we pointed out at the beginning, if for some reason the methods to insert or open a PDF in Word do not work or have errors (which is common when they contain images and other elements other than text), there is always the resource of use an online conversion tool. These are some of the best:

Adobe PDF Editor

pdf to word

Considering that Acrobat Reader is the company that "invented" the PDF format, it makes perfect sense to use one of its tools to open a PDF in Word. The most suitable for this task is Adobe PRF Editor.

The best thing about this website is its ease of use (it offers a brief tutorial that explains all its features), and it completes the conversion process from PDF to Word in a very natural way and with good results.

Link: Adobe PDF Editor

I Love PDF

adobe pdf

Another of the reference websites when it comes to performing any kind of task related to PDF files: I Love PDF. It has options that allow us to edit the document directly online or convert it into a Word document, if that's what we want to do.

A great point in favor of this website is the high level of security of all processes. And all thanks to its advanced TLS encryption software, ideal for keeping the privacy of our documents completely safe.

Link: I Love PDF



A third and final option is PDF2GO, a website that contains numerous and varied tools for working with PDF documents. The conversion process to Word is very simple and is completed in a matter of seconds. The new document closely respects the content of the PDF file. It's worth a try.

Link: PDF2GO

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