How to manage and get optional updates in Windows 11

  • Windows 11 brings aesthetic changes and new features compared to Windows 10.
  • The optional upgrades option has been redesigned, but is still easily accessible.
  • Optional updates are organized into groups, making them easy to find and select.
  • Users can download and install selected updates from the advanced options section in Windows Update.

Windows 11

A few weeks ago the new Windows 11 was officially released, which incorporates important aesthetic and visual changes with respect to Windows 10, as well as new functions and features that can be of great use to a large part of the operating system users.

However, with the new version it is also true that some menus and site functions have been moved, something that can make it difficult for some people to find what they want to search for. In this sense, an option that has been moved slightly is that of optional updates within Windows Update, even though it is still available for use in Windows 11.

So you can view and download optional updates from Windows 11

As we mentioned, although it is true that the option for optional updates has been slightly redesigned With respect to the previous versions of the operating system, the truth is that it is still possible to obtain them from the new Windows 11 if you access the section dedicated to it.

Windows 11
Related article:
How to force upgrade to Windows 11 from any Windows 10 computer

To do this, you must go first to the Settings application available in Windows 11 and, once inside, in the menu on the left select the option "Windows Update" to access the system update settings. Then, on the right side, you must choose and enter the section «Advanced options» to see the update system settings and, once inside, you will find a new menu called "Optional Updates".

Optional updates in Windows 11

Optional updates in Windows 11

Within that section, you will be able to see all the optional updates that your team has searched organized by groups (Windows, drivers, etc.). In this way, in the event that you locate an update that you think may be of interest to you, you will only have to mark it in the list and then click on the button. Download and install to be able to get it on your computer.

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