PayPal abandons the Windows 10 Mobile platform and will not adapt its application

  • Microsoft has less than 1% market share in mobile.
  • PayPal will no longer support Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile.
  • BlackBerry and Amazon users will also lose PayPal support.
  • Windows 10 Mobile arrived late, causing users to abandon the service.


It seems that Microsoft's mobile division is in crisis and it is not surprising because of how bad they are doing in recent months. The latest data on the market share of Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile affirm that the company does not reach even 1% of the market, exactly 0,7% which has caused the company to lay off almost 2000 workers from the company's mobile division. In addition, the companies that had initially opted for this mobile operating system have announced that they will stop developing applications for it.

The first company to announce its change of plans in PayPal, the electronic payment platform. PayPal will no longer support the existing application on Windows Phone and will not adapt it to Windows 10 Mobile. In this way, all PayPal users who have a mobile device with Windows Phone or Windows 10 Mobile, will have to use the web service offered by the company if they want to access all their information.

But it will not be the only platform that he will abandon, but also the Current BlackBerry and Amazon device users will also no longer receive support and updates of the application that is currently available in the respective application stores of the platforms. PayPal wants to focus solely on the maintenance and development of the two platforms that dominate the market, iOS and Android.

Windows 10 Mobile came to market too late, many months later than expected, which forced many users to leave the platform due to the feeling of abandonment they were suffering, seeing how the company did not just allow updating the devices they habitually use to the latest version of the operating system that it uses. company has launched and where the most important feature is the universal applications.

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      elkinbernal21 said

    What is the source?
    Thank you.

         Ignatius Lopez said

      The PayPal blog, I think I have put it in the article.