Turn a photo into a Pixar character with Copilot

  • Artificial Intelligence, such as DALL-E 3, makes it easy to create Pixar-style images.
  • Users can design movie posters without prior knowledge of image editing.
  • Microsoft Copilot offers photo transformations into animated characters.
  • The results are creative and fun, ideal for sharing and enjoying.

pixar copilot

We are still at the gates of the world that Artificial Intelligence opens before us. The tip of the iceberg. Surely, this technology will change the world, because it is destined to do great things. However, we can also use it today with less ambitious and more playful objectives. This is an example: Turn a photo into a Pixar character with Copilot.

The best thing of all is that to achieve this it is not necessary to have great knowledge in image editing to achieve it. Now, DALL-E 3 integration into Bing Chat It allows us to create movie posters in a simple and completely free way.

These types of images are becoming more and more common on the internet. They all look like they come from the seal of Pixar, with the appearance of promotional posters for movies like Toy Story, Cars, Monsters SA, Finding Nemo o The Incredibles, among many others. That "Pixar aesthetic" corresponds to a very specific type of images that we all have in our heads and that have given us such a good time.

In reality, these are private creations of users that have nothing to do with the famous Californian animation studio. Anyone (as long as they have a Microsoft account) can now do something similar: design our own Pixar style movie posters. We explain the steps to follow to achieve it:

Design a Pixar-type image, step by step

Let's first see how to create a Pixar image only from text, without using any image or photo. Before starting with the instructions, we must remember that it is necessary Sign in with a Microsoft account. We must not forget that Copilot is an artificial intelligence system created by the famous technology company based in Redmond. Once this is done, we proceed as follows:

  1. To begin, we access Copilot or directly to the Bing Chat image creation website.
  2. Once you go there, you have to use the prompt to enter a description as detailed as possible of what we want to obtain. The more precise the text, the better the results.

Important: to get a Pixar character with Copilot it is necessary to enter the words «Pixar style» o "Disney Pixar." To illustrate this with an example, these are the images that the AI ​​has generated for me from the text «pixel style poster friends drinking beer in stadium, red and black scarves»:

I have allowed myself to drink the colors of my city's team and, incidentally, also my favorite drink. Well the truth is that The images generated could perfectly illustrate any Pixar animated film. One related, for example, to a group of friends who go to football every Sunday. The truth is that it sounds fun.

As we said, it is a free Microsoft service offered through its new artificial intelligence application. Free, but not unlimited. Each user has a certain number of searches that decreases as we launch a new one. prompt. When the account reaches zero, it is no longer available. Then there is no choice but to wait a few days or buy more coins from the Microsoft Store.

Create Pixar-like images from real photos

If what we want is to transform an existing image (a photo of ourselves or someone we know), this tool can also help you. The action can be executed from the Copilot page, which we have already seen in the previous section, which we can access by logging in with a Microsoft account. This is what we should do:

  1. The first thing is to select the button below marked as "More creative" (very important).
  2. Then in the prompt we have to write something like "Generate a Pixar-type image from the image I attached."
  3. Then, by clicking on the icon shown at the bottom of the text box, we load an image from any location, for example from a folder on our PC.*
  4. The transformation process may take a few minutes. Finally, four fun images are generated, which we can use freely.

(*) Sometimes we may encounter errors. The AI ​​can refuse to accept certain types of images because it considers them inappropriate, or offer the results with pixelated human faces. It must also be taken into account that this is a functionality still in the development phase and, therefore, can sometimes cause errors. In short: you have to be patient when using it.

To illustrate this, we have selected this nice image of a Siamese cat (Photo by webandi on Pixabay):

Siamese cat

And these are the results we have obtained. Without a doubt, these beautiful and charming cats could be characters in a Pixar movie thanks to the magic of Copilot:

As you can see, it is very easy to create a Pixar-type character with the help of Copilot. You just have to choose the way to do it (from a text or transforming an image), adding some personal touches of our own.

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