Solution to "A possible error was detected in the Windows Update database"

  • The error 'A possible error was detected in the Windows Update database' is relatively common.
  • The main causes include denied permissions and corrupted files.
  • Restarting your device can be a simple and effective solution.
  • Using the Windows troubleshooter can help fix the error automatically.

windows update error

It is possible that on some other occasion, when turning on your computer, you have come across the disturbing message of “A possible error was detected in the Windows update database«. This is a more common mistake than you might think at first. Fortunately, there are solutions to remedy it.

But to find the right solution to this problem, it is best to understand the causes that produce it. In this way, it is easier to determine what is happening in our team and what can be done to return everything to normal. We will deal with all this in the following paragraphs:

We are talking, above all, about a question of security. It is well known that, for this security to be what we expect, It is essential to keep our operating system updated. The latest version is always the most prepared to prevent attacks and intrusions, as well as to run any program correctly.

Windows Update
Related article:
What is Windows Update

In pursuit of this goal, with the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft launched its service Windows Update. This is responsible for searching the Microsoft servers for all the updates available to our team, in order to apply and install them. Without a doubt, it is a great tool, but it also fails on some occasions.

Why does this error occur?

The most common causes that give rise to the error announced on the screen as "A possible error was detected in the Windows Update database" are the following:

  • Access to path C:\Windows is denied.
  • There are problems running the troubleshooter.
  • Some of the files are damaged or corrupt.
  • There have been general failures in Windows Update.

Any of these errors, whatever their nature, will make it impossible for Windows Update to do its job of checking for and installing new updates. And that means that computer security is compromised. Let's see then what we can do to correct these errors:

Restart device

Before trying other methods, it is worth trying reboot the device. A very simple and somewhat crude solution, but which, as we have seen on so many other occasions, usually works.

A reboot forces the reorganizing the files on our computer and maybe you can put in its place a file that was interfering with the processes and causing the error. Nothing is lost by trying.

Windows troubleshooter

As is well known, Windows 10 has its own functionality to automatically analyze and correct errors that may occur in the different system parameters. We can try to eliminate the message "A possible error was detected in the Windows Update database" with the help of the Problem Solver. This is how we should proceed:

  1. First we go to the menu Start.
  2. There we select "Setting".
  3. Then we open the tab "Update and security".
  4. In the section "Solve problems", we click on Windows update, which will activate the button "Run the troubleshooter."

After clicking on this button, the analysis process will start. After a few minutes of waiting, the solver will inform us about what we can do.

Update Windows Update manually

It may happen that, for whatever reason, Windows Update has failed in some update or has been left pending. In that case, we can step in and give the process a little push. To access Windows Update and check if we have any pending updates For our team, we must do the following:

  1. First of all, let's go to Windows configuration options using the keyboard shortcut Windows + i.
  2. Next, we select the option "Update and security".
  3. Now, in the right column, we will see the windows update menu with all pending updates to install (if any).

Check the inner workings of Windows Update

If we have tried the previous methods and the error persists, we will have to delve into Windows Update and check that the different processes that make up this service are active:

  1. First we enter the command prompt as administrators and execute the command sc config wuauserv start=auto
  2. Then we start the BITS service (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) writing sc config bits start=auto
  3. Next we review the cryptsvc service for managing the catalog database service and installing new programs with the command sc config cryptsvc start=auto
  4. Finally, we activate the installer by typing sc config trustedinstaller start=auto

Once this is done, we just have to restart the computer and verify that the error has been resolved.

Run a clean boot of the computer

A last resort that we can try if all else has not worked is perform a clean boot. This is nothing more than executing the start of our computer so that services and applications that are not really essential for Windows 10 are not loaded. It is possible that one of them is the one that is creating a conflict with Windows Update. This is how it can be done:

  1. With the key combination Windows + R and run the command msconfig.
  2. In the box that opens we go to the tab "Services".
  3. In it we activate the box “Hide all Microsoft services”, to be able to visualize non-essential services and disable them.

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