10 tips for making good presentations with PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint presentations are essential for communicating ideas in a clear and organized manner.
  • Using high-resolution images and sans-serif fonts improves the perception of professionalism.
  • Incorporating visual elements such as videos and animations captures the audience's attention.
  • Maintaining a consistent design line ensures that the presentation is coherent and effective.

tips for making good presentations with PowerPoint

The PowerPoint presentations They are a classic in both the academic and professional worlds. Because they allow us to display a large amount of information in a schematic and simple way.

This way we ensure that we capture and maintain the attention of our audience, while guiding our discourse throughout the exhibition and supporting it with a graphic element that reinforces its quality. If you want to improve your presentations, pay attention to the tricks we bring you.

Making a good presentation is very important to:

How to make a good PowerPoint presentation.

Doing presentations in PPT is an essential skill for students and professionals. Here are a few reasons to improve your ability to create them.

Communicate the message clearly and precisely

PowerPoint provides a visual structure and It helps organize and communicate ideas clearly. Using slides we segment the information and we can organize our speech.

Furthermore, the slides also help the public follow the exhibition, and to reorient yourself if at any time you have been distracted.

Provide visual support

In the slides we can add images and graphics along with the text. Visual elements that strengthen and complement the message.

Images help to better understand the content, while making the information more easily memorizable.

Appear professional

Well-designed and executed PowerPoint presentations demonstrate professionalism and a high level of attention to detail.

In the academic field this can serve to achieve a higher grade, while in the professional field helps us build trust in our audience and to improve the perception of the quality of our work and our capacity as employees.

Impact emotionally

A presentation with well-chosen text and visual content can help us cause a strong emotional impact on the audience.

It can be the starting point to connect emotionally with the audience and ensure that we have your attention from the first moment.

Persuade and convince

A well done presentation It can become a powerful tool to persuade and convince the public. Because the elements shown on the slide can influence opinion formation and decision making.

Follow these 10 tips and make great presentations with PowerPoint

Some tips for PowerPoint presentations

Microsoft Slide Creation Software It can help us a lot in our work, but it will do so even more if we are able to get the most out of it. Something you can achieve by following these simple tips:

Choose high resolution images

We want our presentation to be very visual and capture attention, so we are going to use eye-catching images in it. But that is not enough, as we want to convey a feeling of quality, We will try to use high resolution images.

We need the inserted image or drawing to be the protagonist and, for that, we are going to pay special attention to its quality and make sure that it looks good.

Use modern, sans serif fonts

The font we use in PowerPoint presentations It greatly influences the way our message is received. Since we seek to be seen in a professional manner, we are going to use fonts that are well understood, current and free of serifs.

That is, legible letters without any type of ending or addition. Much better to choose fonts with clean lines. You can select from those that Microsoft offers you by default, or download new fonts.

Transparencies always help

If you're overlaying text over an image, make sure it's legible. If that is not the case, your audience will not understand the message and this will reduce its quality to your presentation.

For a good result, use transparencies. Insert an image as a background for the slide, add the text and then from “Format shape” give the desired transparency to the chosen shape so that the letters look good without having to distort the background image.

Very short and specific texts

The presentation is a guide to what you are presenting.. Therefore, its content must be limited to the essential minimum.

Make sure your texts are short and specific, but clear enough for the message to be understood.

Aligned objects

If there are different elements within your slide: text, images, graphics, etc., make sure that all of them are well aligned. This makes it easier to view the content, while creating a homogeneous structure that improves the perception of quality.

Enter videos

Don't limit yourself to text and images. Make your presentations much more interactive by adding short videos that can serve as support for your presentation. For example, to show the audience an example of something you are telling them.

Use animations to capture attention

Any element that breaks the monotony is always welcomed in the world of PowerPoint presentations. If you can't find a suitable video, you can Choose to add some movement and dynamism through animations.

Use transitions

transitions for presentations.

It is not necessary or recommended that there be transitions between each slide, but Yes, it is interesting to include a transition when you go from one topic to another. or when you get to the most important part of the exhibition.

Do not use loud colors

A little color is always good to highlight some elements, but you should not go overboard with it.

Keep the text mostly black. If you wants highlighting something adds a little color, but limit yourself to classic shades like red, blue or green.

If you have a logo, insert it without abusing it

In the case of a professional presentation, feel free to use your company logo, but don't make it the protagonist of all the slides. It is best that he only appears on the presentation slide and the last one.

Maintain a design line

Ultimately, remember that your presentation must form a "all". Therefore, you must follow the same style line in all your slides.

Make sure it is not too long and that it is homogeneous in terms of style. Using the same typography for the texts, images that follow the same aesthetics, etc.

Plan your design before getting to work, apply these tips, and you will achieve unique and very effective PowerPoint presentations.

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