The hard drive of our computer is something important in many ways. Also because in it we store a large amount of data, which is probably important or private. So we don't want anyone to have access to them at any time. One solution that can be used in this case is to give the drive a password.
It is something that we have available, although many people are unaware. Therefore, below we are going to show you the way in which put a password to this hard drive. Which will help us to prevent someone from accessing this data without our permission.
This process is to encrypt, for which we use a tool that Microsoft itself makes available to us. It probably sounds familiar to many of you, since this tool is BitLocker. It is a program that is responsible for encrypting the hard drive or any other storage unit that we want and then allows us to establish a password on it, thus protecting it. Very comfortable to use.

The normal thing is that BitLocker comes installed by default in all versions of Windows. So you can search your computer to verify that you have this tool available. In the event that you don't have it installed, it can be downloaded easily at any time. You can do it in this link, which Microsoft itself provides. So in case you don't have it, you can have it at all times without any problem. Of course, it is an application that is free to download.
Password the hard drive
We have to open the computer's file explorer and go to This computer. There we have to locate the disk drive we want to have a password. It does not have to be a hard drive, since we can also do this with external drives, such as a laptop or a USB memory. So we can carry out the same process with all types of storage units that we use in Windows.
We right click with the mouse on the hard drive. We will get a contextual menu on the screen, where we have several options. One of the options is to Activate BitLocker, to activate this process at all times. A new window will then open on the screen, where this process begins. The first thing that will be shown to us is a screen in which to choose the method. So we can click on use password and then we will have to enter the password that we want to use to lock that unit. We have to write it twice in this case.
Then we are asked how much of this hard drive we want to encrypt. The first of them, lto encrypt the space in use, it is faster and more useful for us. Since what interests us is precisely that those data that we have stored in it are not accessible without a password. So we choose the first one. Finally, you are going to ask us later the mode you want us to use in this process, so that it is completed. The best option in this case is to use the compatible mode.
In this way we have encrypted this hard drive. Which means that when someone wants to enter it, they will have to use the password that we have established. This is something that will prevent someone from having access to it without us wanting to have it. So it is a good way to protect the information that is in it. In addition, we can also carry out this process with any other type of storage unit. So if you have a USB memory or a portable HDD, where you have data that you do not want to lose, you can do it easily and thus prevent someone from seeing it.