How to put two photos together?

  • There are free tools to join photos without being an expert.
  • Microsoft Word and Google Docs make it easy to insert and organize images.
  • Apps like Photojoiner and Canva make it easy to edit photos online.
  • Stitching photos together is useful for visual comparison, storytelling, and creativity.

Put two photos together with Microsoft Word and Google Docs

Photography editing is the order of the day and the good thing is that, with the tools we have at our disposal, it is no longer necessary to be an expert to obtain a good result. If what you want is put two photos together, there are several ways to achieve it, and we are going to explain it to you.

Whether you want to place one snapshot next to another or if you are looking to superimpose the images, there are different free tools that can help you achieve this in a very short time and with minimal effort.

Put two photos together with Microsoft Word and Google Docs

Put two photos together with Microsoft Word and Google Docs

The Text editing programs can also work with images. Although its functionalities in this sense are limited, they are sufficient to achieve the objective we pursue in this case.

If you are going to work in Word or Google Docs, follow these steps:

  • Open a document.
  • Insert an image following the path “Insert” > “Images”.
  • Insert the second image in the same way.
  • Adjust the size of the images. To do this, click on them and adjust the size by dragging from the corners. Since they are photos that will go together, it is advisable that they have the same dimensions to achieve a homogeneous effect.
  • Position the images. Next, Drag the photos until they are placed side by side. If you want to add text, type what you want and then tap the “Text Wrap” option.

In this simple way you can put two photos together and no one will notice that you have not done the editing through a specific program to carry out this task.

Stitch photos with image editing programs

Stitch photos with image editing programs

It is likely that you have Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer. In this case, follow these steps to join two photos.

Microsoft Paint

  • Open the Microsoft Office image editing tool.
  • Insert the first image via path “File” > “Open”.
  • Resize the canvas by dragging the corners to leave enough room for the second photo.
  • Insert the second image from “Paste” > “Paste from”.
  • Position both photos the way you want them to be.
  • Save the combined image from “File” > “Save As”.

Adobe Photoshop

  • Open Photoshop and create a new project.
  • To open the images follow the path “File” > “Open”.
  • Combine photos by dragging one of them from one project to the other. You can also use the alternative: “Select all” > “Copy” > “Paste”.
  • Save the combined image to “File” > “Save As”.

Put two photos together with online applications

Put two photos together with online applications

You can use online applications that offer this service completely free of charge. To protect user privacy, servers delete uploaded images after a few hours, so You don't have to worry about your photo ending up in other people's hands.


It is one of the most popular and easiest to use online photo editors. To use it you don't have to download anything, just access its website. Then, click on “Create Collage” or “Join Photos”, which are options that appear at the top of the screen. This opens the tool interface and you can start working. Then, follow these steps:

  • Click onand “Open” o “Add images” to upload your images.
  • Click on the photo and drag to the place on the canvas where you want to place it.
  • Insert the second photograph in the same way and place it next to the first.
  • If you like the result, Download it or share it directly.


Another very useful tool when putting two photos together is Canva. This graphic design and image composition website is one of the most popular, and it has in its favor that it is very easy to use, because it has a very intuitive interface. Of course, you must register to be able to use it.

To join two photos with Canva you have to do the following:

  • Access their website and log in.
  • Create a new project by selecting the canvas size you are interested in.
  • Upload the images from the section "Increase".
  • Drag and drop photos onto the canvas.
  • Resize and position them together.
  • Download the combined image by clicking on "To download" and choosing the format you want for the file.

What can be useful for putting two photos together?

This simple edition can be useful on different occasions, as you will see below:

Visual comparison

If you want to show the progress of a project, stitching together before and after photos is a very easy way to do it. For example, post a photo of how a piece of furniture looked before starting the restoration and how it looked afterwards.

You can also use this type of editing to Compare the characteristics of two products and highlight their differences.

Narration and communication

If you have to present a report or written work, the use of photographs and images will make it easier to convey the message.

By placing two photos together you can make your argument in a more visual way. For example, What was a beach like before cleaning up after a big storm? and how it turned out afterwards.

Creativity and design

Creating collages by joining photos is a fun and easy way to unleash your creativity. In the field of photography and art, putting images together can give rise to new pieces with a meaning or interpretation different from the original.

You can also use this new ability photography editing to enhance your personal photo albums. Putting some photos next to others can help you remember certain moments better, or show the evolution of a project or the growth of children.

The technique of combining two photos is very common in the field of marketing, but also in the fashion sector and even in gastronomy. So you are sure to find a practical application on a personal or professional level.

Now that you know how to put two photos together, you can continue advancing in your exploration of the world of photo editing. Because you have already seen that you do not need to have complicated and expensive tools. Do you dare?

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