Questions for Alexa: let yourself be surprised by her answers

  • Amazon's voice assistant Alexa offers surprising answers to curious questions.
  • There are differences between questions and commands in Alexa, which affects the responses you receive.
  • Alexa has voice modes that allow for unique and fun responses.
  • The assistant can manage calendars, play music and control home devices.


Alexa, Amazon's virtual voice assistant, has become one of the house in many homes around the world. It is always there to solve our doubts, to play the music we like, to remind us of birthdays, appointments, etc. The list of utilities and practical applications is very long. In it we must include that of entertaining ourselves by responding to the questions for Alexa more curious.

The truth is that there are many users who have been surprised by asking Alexa curious questions and receiving no less amazing answers. In this post we have compiled some of them. There is everything: answers that will leave us thoughtful, speechless or that, simply, will make us laugh.

Before beginning, it is worth clarifying the difference between questions for Alexa and commands for Alexa. When we ask, we get an answer (which in many cases is not going to be what we expect), while a command is an order to execute a certain action, which can sometimes also be accompanied by an answer.

We have classified these questions for Alexa by categories. The game that we propose is the following: just ask the question and let yourself be surprised by the answer:

Alexa Question List

Here are some questions that can help us better understand our virtual assistant, its operation and its "sense of humor":

intimate questions

We already warned that Alexa is quite jealous of her privacy and the answers that we are going to get when we ask her about these issues can be somewhat evasive. Still, it's worth trying:

  • Alexa, what is your favorite color?
  • Alexa, what is your goal?
  • Alexa, how much do you weigh?
  • Alexa, how old are you?
  • Alex, where do you live?
  • Alexa, are you married?
  • Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Alexa, who is the voice of Alexa?

Questions to test Alexa

If you want to challenge Alexa and find out the limits of the artificial intelligence of Amazon's voice assistant, these are some interesting questions (with some nods to science fiction) whose answers can amaze us and even make our hair stand on end:

  • Alexa, what is the value of Pi?
  • Alexa, are you a robot?
  • Alexa, are you Skynet?
  • Alexa, are we in the Matrix?
  • Alexa, do aliens exist?
  • Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?
  • Alexa, which came first: the chicken or the egg?
  • Alexa, what do you think about ghosts?

We can also ask Alexa for her "direct competition", to see what she tells us:

  • Alexa, do you know Cortana?
  • Alexa, do you know Siri?

Commands to hang out with Alexa

Strictly speaking, these are not questions, but rather voice commands with which we are going to entertain ourselves, thanks to Alexa's reactions, quite unexpected on some occasions. Here are some examples:

  • Alexa, sing something.
  • Alex, tell me something.
  • Alexa, tell me a joke.
  • Alexa, tell me something funny.
  • Alexa, meow (or woof).
  • Alexa, surprise me.
  • Alexa, let's play.
  • Alexa, throw up.

As a summary, we will say that the list of questions to Alexa can be as long as we want. Virtually endless. It will depend largely on our imagination. Remember that Alexa is a modest artificial intelligence, but she never stops learning new things.

Alexa modes

amazon alexa

In addition to all the questions we can ask Alexa, Amazon's voice assistant also hides some "Easter eggs" really funny. To achieve a different interaction with Alexa, we have the possibility of activating some of its original modes. First, the voice modes so that the answers are transmitted in a peculiar way:

  • granny mode.
  • teen mode.
  • baby mode.
  • mom mode.
  • child mode.
  • whisper mode.

Apart from this, we must mention two very curious modes. We don't say anything else, we just invite our blog readers to ask Alexa to activate them like this:

  • Self destruct mode.
  • Super Alexa Mode: Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start.

And if you find that you have saturated Alexa with questions, or you think you have gotten her angry. Or maybe there is something wrong, don't worry. You will find the right solution by reading our post: Alexa does not respond, what to do?

About Alexa

Although it is well known, it is worth remembering that Alexa is a virtual assistant developed by Amazon in 2014 (within the Echo line of virtual speakers) and that it is available in several languages.

Still there are many people who confuse Alexa with the speaker itself, when in reality this is only one of its supports. Among the most popular models we must mention Amazon Echo, Amazon Echo Plus or Amazon Echo Dot, among many others.

Alexa's practical applications are extensive: it can be used to manage our personal agenda, translate, manage purchases and orders, play music, control home automation systems... It does more and more things. And getting better.

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