Tips and tricks to reduce the temperature of your processor

  • Excess heat damages the CPU, so it is vital to keep it cool.
  • Cleaning your PC regularly helps prevent dust buildup that clogs ventilation.
  • Upgrading your case can improve airflow and system cooling.
  • Cooling pads are a good option for laptops, especially during intense usage sessions.

reduce cpu temperature

Excess heat is one of the worst enemies of electronic devices. When a certain thermal threshold is exceeded, they begin to fail or simply stop working. The CPU of a computer is especially sensitive to this type of risk, which is why we are going to explain in this article what can be done to reduce the temperature of a processor.

Whether it is a desktop computer or a laptop, it is essential to regularly check that the CPU is operating within a normal temperature range. The more we push the processor, the hotter it will get (that's inevitable), but there are some things that can be done to do not reach extreme situations.

The truth is that everything that can be done boils down to two issues: get a better cooling of the processor or obtain a CPU capable of running at lower temperatures. Between both solutions, we have a range of tricks and tips that we can apply to reduce the temperature of the processor, thus ensuring that it functions without problems and that its life is as long as possible. Take good note of them:

Clean the PC

clean cpu dust

It may seem like something of little importance, but it is not like that. When experts advise frequently clean the computer They don't do it to make it look better, but to prevent the accumulation of dust and other debris that may interfere with the normal functioning of its components.

For example, it often happens that dust clogs filters, preventing cold air from reaching the main components.

But what is the best way to clean the PC? You can use a small handheld vacuum cleaner, or one Airsoft gun (like the one in the image), always being very careful and removing the cables to reach the most inaccessible corners.

Remove the side panel

This trick is very practical, although it only works for desktop computers. In the event of obvious excess heat (when we touch the panel and notice unusual heat), a quick solution is Unscrew the side panel and let the inside of the machine air out.

Only with this simple trick can we Reduce the processor temperature by a few degrees.

Increase fan speed

cpu fan

One of the key elements of a computer's cooling system is the fan. Basic to reduce the processor temperature and keep it at acceptable levels. it's possible set the fans to run at higher speeds, even at the cost of having to endure a little more noise (that classic whirring of the blades as they rotate) when we are using the PC.

How do you do this? The trick is to access the UEFI/BIOS and there change all the system fans and heatsinks to the «Performance Mode». If you have a CPU cooler with its own application, you simply have to increase the fan speed so that it acts more powerfully.

refresh the room

Although it may seem like an unsophisticated solution, it can help. The idea is to cool the environment in which our overheated computer is located. The first thing to do is remove it from any location where it can receive direct sunlight. If we do not want to move it, then we can open the windows to let fresh air flow or directly Turn on the air conditioner (if available) to try to reduce the CPU temperature.

Although it is not highly advisable, there are users who (only in emergency cases) remove the side cover as we have explained before and place a table fan in front of it. It is a rudimentary resource, but valid.

Update casing

pc air flow case

If none of the tricks explained so far work, you may have to think about getting a new casing for your computer case, one that offers a better air flow. This solution involves spending some money and then having a minimum of knowledge to make the change without affecting the computer.

Several shell models available on the market, specifically designed to offer plenty of ventilation (with support for the installation of additional fans) and maximize air flow. It is always advisable to choose a larger case: although this will take up more physical space, it will ensure that hot air is dissipated better, keeping the different components separated and cool inside.

Cooling base (for laptops)

cooling base

For laptops there are also some interesting solutions. One of them is the cooling bases, which are a type of trays on which the laptop is placed so that, thanks to the action of its fans, the temperature is reduced.

This is a gadget very popular among Gamers, which subject laptops to long and demanding gaming sessions in which the CPU temperature can skyrocket. If you have a laptop at home and are worried about the issue of overheating, this is a good solution.

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