Reduce the weight of PDF files in just a few moments

  • Reducing the size of PDF files makes them easier to send and share.
  • Save storage space on devices and external memories.
  • Improves fast loading of websites and optimizes for mobile devices.
  • There are tools and applications to easily compress PDF.

This is how the weight of PDF files is reduced

The PDF format has become one of the most used within the professional and academic field, because it provides extra security to the content, by reducing the possibilities that it can be manipulated. However, when we work with a long document, its weight can become a problem when sending or saving it. To solve this incident, we are going to explain how to reduce the weight of PDF files.

A simple alternative that will eliminate weight from the file without affecting its content. This way, it will be much easier for you to share it with others or save it on your devices.

Why do you need to reduce the weight of a PDF file?

Why you should reduce the weight of your PDF file.

Knowing the functionality that we are going to explain to you today will be very useful, because it can get you out of more than one trouble.

  • Makes sending and sharing easy. Smaller PDF files are easier to send via email and share via other online services. Because many of these services have limitations on the size of the files that can be exchanged through them.
  • Saving space and storage. If you work with many PDF documents, reducing their weight can help you get more out of the storage space you have on your computer or in your external memories.
  • Fast loading of websites. If the PDF document you are creating is going to be uploaded to a website, a lower weight will facilitate quick loading of it. This significantly improves the user experience.
  • Optimization for mobile devices. We increasingly use mobile phones to consult information in different formats. If the document is going to be viewed on a mobile screen, a smaller size will make it easier to open and read.
  • Improved discharge efficiency. By reducing the weight of a PDF file we make its download much faster for the recipient.

What does it mean to reduce the weight of a PDF file?

When you reduce the weight of PDF files, do you lose quality?

When you reduce the weight of PDF files, what you achieve is to reduce their storage size. That is we make it take up less space when stored on the device.

The weight of a PDF or other digital file is measured in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB), and what interests us in this case is to make it as light as possible. We can achieve this in different ways:

Compressing the images

Reducing the amount of data that is necessary to represent an image, but without affecting its visual quality.

There are those who choose to adjust to the lowers the quality of the images to make the document weigh less, but this can affect the final display, so it is not highly recommended.

Eliminating unnecessary resources

In some documents in PDF format we found additional resources such as redundant fonts, colors and graphic objects. These can be removed to reduce file size, without compromising the quality of the content.

Compressing the text

The most common thing is to compress the text, without sacrificing its readability, to make the PDF weigh less.

Metadata removal

Metadata is data that provides additional information about the document (time of creation, identity of the author, revisions made, etc.). If they are not really necessary, can be removed to reduce the file size.

How do you reduce the weight of PDF files?

There are specific web pages that are used to reduce the size of a PDF file, we will talk about them later, but we find it interesting that you know that you can also do it with tools that you may already have installed on your computer.

Reduce the weight of PDF files with Word

If you have Word or any other similar text editor, you can remove weight from a PDF file. You just have to open it with this application and convert it from PDF to the format your text editing program works with.

Once you have it open in Word, click on the “File” button in the top toolbar and then click “Export”, and there click “Create PDF/XPS document”. Next, a menu will open with the document saving options. At the bottom of it you will see the option “Minimum size (online publication)”. Select it and click on “Publish”. The result is a PDF file that weighs much less than the original.

Reduce the weight of a PDF with an external application

There are many platforms that, for free, allow us to reduce the weight of a PDF file. Some of the most notable are the following:

Although there may be slight differences between them, what they have in common is that their operation is fast and simple. The basic steps are as follows:

  • You access the platform you want to use and choose the functionality to reduce weight to a PDF. Most of these tools offer other alternatives for working with documents in this format, such as cutting them, joining them, etc., but in this specific case what we want is to reduce the weight.
  • You upload the document. For this it will be enough to drag it to the work window or load it from your device.
  • You reduce the size. Once the document is uploaded, you confirm that you want to reduce its weight and let the platform do its job.
  • Download the new version. In just a few seconds you have a new version of your PDF with reduced weight.

You don't have to worry about security and confidentiality. These types of platforms are very secure, and they delete the content uploaded by users so that no third party can access it illegitimately.

Online PDF compressors are flexible, secure and very easy to use, so they are a good alternative to remove weight from a PDF document in just a couple of minutes.

With how easy it is to lighten a document, you no longer have an excuse. Reduce the weight of PDF files and it will be easier to share and store them.

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