Not using the Windows 11 taskbar chat? So you can remove it

  • Windows 11 includes a chat feature on the taskbar for quick access to Microsoft Teams.
  • Many users prefer other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.
  • It is possible to remove the chat icon from the taskbar easily.
  • Disabling chat does not prevent you from using Microsoft Teams via its desktop app.

Chat in Windows 11

Along with other important news, in Windows 11 the new chat function has been incorporated into the taskbar. Thanks to it, it is possible to access conversations held through Microsoft Teams in a much faster way, so it can be very useful for many users.

However, the truth is that there are also quite a few who do not find this relevant function within the operating system, since many times we use tools such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal or Messenger to hold conversations, and Teams is not usually so common. If it is your case, you will probably want to remove the chat icon from your computer's taskbar, and it is something that you will be able to do easily.

Windows 11
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How to remove the chat icon from the Windows 11 taskbar step by step

As we mentioned, despite the fact that for all those who use Microsoft Teams in their day-to-day life, the inclusion of the chat in the Windows 11 taskbar can be very useful, if it is not your case, it is most likely that you will it is annoying to see the icon in that location. If this happens to you, say that you just have to follow these steps to remove the chat from the Windows taskbar:

  1. On your PC, enter the application Configuration that you will find in the start menu.
  2. Once inside, on the left side, select the option Personalization..
  3. Now, on the right side, search and choose Taskbar among the available options.
  4. Finally, in the section entitled Taskbar items search and uncheck the option Chat, which will appear next to its characteristic icon.

Remove chat from Windows 11 taskbar

Once deactivated, you can see how the chat icon disappears from the Windows 11 taskbar. Similarly, if you want to have a conversation through Microsoft Teams, all you have to do is download and install your desktop application, with which you can access all the functions.

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