How to remove Tiles from the Start menu in Windows 10

  • Windows 8 revolutionized interaction with the operating system by eliminating the Start button.
  • The tile menu was criticized and led Microsoft to reintegrate the classic menu in Windows 10.
  • Windows 10 combines the classic menu with tiles to satisfy all users.
  • The Start menu can get cluttered and it is advisable to unpin unnecessary apps.

Windows 10

The arrival of Windows 8 supposed a revolution in how we interacted with the operating system from its first versions. From practically its beginnings we had to click on the Start button to be able to access any application installed on our computer, or to modify the configuration of the operating system. Everything went through him. But Microsoft came along and reinterpreted the way of interacting with Windows and the launch of Windows 8 supposed the removal of the Start button by an interface by tiles or tiles, which did not allow us the ease that we could have in previous versions. Many were the users who expressed their discomfort and forced the company to show the start menu again for all those users with more knowledge.

The new tile menu was also adopted in Windows 10, but unlike the previous version, Microsoft chose to unite the classic start button with the tiles, a great success since that way everyone was happy. But as usual every time we perform a clean installation or buy a computer with reinstalled Windows 10, the tile menu is so full that it is impossible for us to find any application. In this type of situation, the first thing that comes to mind is to start removing applications from this menu.

  • If we want to remove applications from the start menu, rather than uninstall them, we have to go to the specific application and click on the right mouse button.
  • In the following dropdown and click on Unpin from startup. In this way, the application will stop showing in the Windows 10 live tiles menu.
  • If we want it to reappear, we just have to go to where it is, right-click on it and select Pin to Start

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