How to remove Windows.old manually in Windows 10

  • The Windows.old folder stores previous versions of Windows in case an upgrade fails.
  • Deleting this folder helps to recover disk space in Windows 10.
  • The easiest way to delete Windows.old is through system settings.
  • Using the disk cleanup tool, you can delete temporary files, including previous versions of Windows.

More than one may have noticed the existence of a folder called Windows.old. This folder is located on the hard drive next to the Windows folder with all the system files. Although many do not know it, contains older versions of the operating system. They are there in case an update goes wrong. But, users can delete this folder manually and save space thus.

It is a process that is very easy to carry out and only takes a few minutes. But, what is important is done correctly. So that in this way let's delete the Windows.old folder from the computer, but without causing any problems in the system.

In Windows 10 there are a couple of options available. But, the most effective and simple of all is making use of the system configuration. Since it is a method that only takes us a couple of minutes to complete. So, we can get rid of the Windows.old folder.


To delete Windows.old we must delete the folder with the disk space cleaner tool. We can find it in the system search. One of the options it offers us is «Previous versions of Windows».

To do this, the steps to follow to delete this folder from your computer should be the following:

  • Click on the Start Menu
  • Go to the system setting (gear icon)
  • Sign in work
  • In the left side menu we must click on storage
  • Click on your hard drive and thus we access the options of the same
  • Click on Temporary files

Temporary files

  • We get a list with the types of temporary files that are on the computer and we can delete
  • We look for the option of «previous version of Windows».
  • We mark it
  • We click on remove files

Thus, We have managed to erase these files and we will see that the Windows.old folder has been removed from our computer. So we have managed to gain some additional storage space.

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