How to restrict the access of some applications to our data or devices

  • Windows 10 offers privacy options similar to Android.
  • Allows you to modify application access permissions.
  • Control access to camera, microphone and other data.
  • Setup starts from the privacy menu.

Windows 10

The arrival of Windows 10 has brought us and a large number of options that could only be found on mobile devicesBut thanks to the famous convergence of devices and operating systems, Microsoft has done very well, giving us a large number of options that we could never think we could have in a desktop operating system.

Android has always been characterized as an operating system where applications have access to a lot of data from our terminal, data that we have to allow access if we want to use it, since otherwise, it will never be executed. Fortunately Android 6.0 Marshmallow finally allowed us to change the permissions that an application required to work on our device, so that a simple browser did not have to have access to our contacts, camera, microphone if we are never going to use it. With Windows 10 we can also modify the permissions that some applications have on our data, such as access to the camera, our contacts, the calendar, the microphone, notifications, location ...

Eliminate access to data / devices from our Windows 10 PC


  • First we will click on the start button and click on the gear wheel located on the left side of the start menu.
  • Next we will go to the option Privacy , where we can adjust the access of the applications to our data or to devices of our PC with Windows 10 such as the camera, the microphone, the location, the calendar, the contacts ...
  • In the next step we must select the device or data that we want to restrict to some applications. In this case we are going to select Microphone.
  • Inside Microphone we can see how Twitter has access to our microphone, without knowing to santo that since we can not offer any function that we can perform through the microphone.
  • To restrict access to the microphone to the Twitter application, we will press on the switch next to it to deactivate it.

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