How to go back to the old volume icon in Windows 10 without any program

  • Returning to the classic Windows 7 volume control in Windows 10 is possible without external programs.
  • Modifying the Windows registry may be easy, but it carries risks if done incorrectly.
  • The Windows registry can be accessed through the Regedit tool.
  • It is essential to reboot your system after making registry changes for them to take effect.

Windows 10 volume

With each new version of Windows, users always face the problem of wanting to go back to certain classic Windows elements. The most notable case is in the start button, button that many users requested when they moved to Windows 8 and that in Windows 10 had to return.

There are also other elements that can be modified or customized thanks to third-party programs. Today we are going to tell you How to get back to the Windows 7 volume in Windows 10 without using third-party programs or various applications that can sometimes be dangerous for the integrity of our data. We will only need a computer with a keyboard, mouse and Windows 10.

Changing the volume in the Windows 10 Registry is very easy although somewhat dangerous

We already presented this change in the Windows 10 volume a year ago in this article, but in it we gave you a simple program or application that made the changes for us. In this case we are going to tell you how to do it without strange software that leaves us gifts in addition to changing the volume.

First we have to open the Windows registry with the Regedit tool, we can do this as we tell you this article. In Regedit we have to go to this folder:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion. Click on CurrentVersion and when it opens, right click on the folder and click "New" and then "Key". The name of the new file will be called MTCUVC.

Registration with mtcuvc

Now a subfolder with the name MTCUVC will appear. We do the same on the right window and create a file with DWORD (32-bit) Value. We will call this file EnableMtcUvc.

We double click on the EnableMtcUvc file to assign the file value. In this case we introduce the value 0. We press Ok, we close the registry and we restart the system so that the changes are accepted. Now when pressing the volume icon we will have the drop-down that was used in Windows 7, easy right?

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