If we regularly use our computer for almost everything, even to watch our favorite series, it is likely that on more than one occasion, the equipment has stayed on for a few hours doing absolutely nothing, wasting electricity. In most cases, soldering does not happen, since the equipment natively has set values to turn off or suspend when it shows inactivity.
However, in most cases, it works like a charm. when we are in front of him, but when we leave it on and leave, almost 90% of the time, there is always an application or any problem that prevents us from turning off or suspending ours. The solution is found in a small and very useful application.
In previous articles that we have published in Windows News, we informed you how to schedule the shutdown, or for a computer to go to sleep after a while. Those cases are intended more for companies than for private use, unless it fits our needs, but it is a method that forces us to use the command line, something that many users are not willing to do due to its complexity.
If you want to program your computer to turn off, go to sleep or automatically log out after a while, you just have to use the application Shutdown8. Shutdown allows us to configure how long we want our team to enter suspend, shut down, reboot or log out directly. It also offers us the possibility that our equipment goes into Hibernation.
The operation of the application is as simple as running the application and going to the option Timer and select the time that must elapse for our team to carry out the task that we are going to entrust to it.
Next, a timer will be shown, which we can enlarge or reduce with the + and - symbol located in the lower left corner. Next, we click on the drop-down box and select the action we want it to do: Shut down, log out, or reboot.