Set animated background in Windows 8.1 with Start Screen Customizer

  • Start Screen Customizer allows you to set animated backgrounds for your Windows 8.1 Start Screen.
  • Convert videos into Gif-like animations to customize the background.
  • The tool is free and exclusive for Windows 8.1.
  • Provides simulations of still image animations for an enhanced visual experience.

Start Screen Customizer is a small tool that we could use now that we already have Windows 8.1 on our computer, which will help us to have personalized animated backgrounds.

One of the main features of which Windows Vista and in some cases Windows 7 stood out was the possibility of placing animations or videos as wallpaper; This same situation could be carried out in Windows 8.1, but only in the Desktop area. If we want to have an animated background on the Start Screen of this operating system, then we should use Start Screen Customizer.

What does Start Screen Customizer expressly do?

First of all we must mention that Start Screen Customizer is a tool that you can download and use completely free of charge, which is compatible only with Windows 8.1 when it comes to placing animations (for some, videos) as a background on the Start Screen. This home screen is the one where we will find the Microsoft operating system tiles; but can you really set a video as wallpaper in Windows 8.1? Actually this is not possible, but rather, what it does Start Screen Customizer it is a conversion of the video to a Gif type animation.

Start Screen Customizer has the ability to customize the background of the Windows 8.1 Start Screen; in case you don't have a video or a gif animation at the moment, then you could use a still image; Within the interface of the tool, it can perform simulation of animations, which suggests zooming in, zooming out, panning among many other actions, which could lead to think that an animation (or video) has actually been placed inside this operating system environment. What we have placed at the top is an example of what has been done with this tool.

More information - Windows 8.1 for manufacturers will be released on October 18

Source - codigobit

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