On occasion, you may have found yourself away from home or having problems with your usual Internet connection. Many times they can be solved quickly or go to a space where they have a Wi-Fi network enabled, but it could also be the case that you prefer not to connect to these networks, that you need to access urgently, or even that may due to some kind of limitation.
In such a situation, You may have a mobile device with Android operating system on hand, or an iPhone for what you can use this other tutorial, and an Internet connection through an active mobile data franchise, that is, access the network through the operator's mobile data having previously inserted a SIM card in your mobile. And, if this is your case, you will be able to easily use it to create a Wi-Fi network and share the Internet connection with your Windows computer.
How to share mobile data from an Android device to a Windows computer
By default, Android allows several options to be able to share the Internet from one device to another. However, The most comfortable and easy to use is to create a new Wi-Fi network and provide Internet access through it, a process known as tethering. It is important that, knowing this denomination, you check with the network operator of your mobile device if they allow such use for free, or if, on the contrary, it has some type of cost, since you will have to assume it in the case of being the case. Once you have reviewed it, you can continue with the tutorial:
Activate the connection sharing settings on your Android device
First of all, it is necessary that you look in the settings of your Android mobile how to activate this function. Usually It is known as a shared connection, but it can also be called a portable modem, portable Wi-Fi, hotspot or directly tethering. So that you can identify it, say that it is usually found in the connections section within the device settings, sometimes within the advanced settings, although it may vary depending on the manufacturer, the version ... Similarly, in many models you will find a quick access from the notification bar.
Once the access is located, you must activate it and then write down the connection settings, both the name of the Wi-Fi network or SSID, and the password of the same, since it will be necessary to access. Alternatively, if you wish, you will be able to modify these parameters to your liking, in case you need it. To do this, you will only need to click on any of these parameters at the bottom, or access the Wi-Fi network configuration directly if your device allows it.
Similarly, depending on your mobile device, they may also provide you with a QR code for faster access, something you can use on your computer if you have a camera available, although the easiest thing is probably to use the password.
Connect your Windows computer to the Internet through the Wi-Fi network
Once all the relevant parameters have been configured, all that remains is to connect to the Wi-Fi network from the computer with Windows operating system. This is something very simple to achieve considering that it will be a completely normal Wi-Fi network for your computer. You will only have to go to the Internet connections icon at the bottom right and then select the network you have created from your Android device.
Next, when you click on the connect button, your device will perform some basic checks on the network and then it will ask you to enter the password that you have chosen or the one that appears on your mobile and, finally, it will ask you if it is a public or private Wi-Fi. You will only have to configure those settings and in a matter of seconds you will be connected to the Internet thanks to your mobile.