This is the Windows function to share files with nearby computers

  • The 'Nearby Sharing' feature allows you to transfer files between nearby PCs without any hassle.
  • Requires enabling the option in Windows 10 or 11 system settings.
  • Users can set team visibility for file sharing.
  • OneDrive is a handy cloud-based file sharing alternative built right into Windows.

share files

In its day, Windows 10 incorporated an interesting function, which is also present in Windows 11, through which it is possible share files with nearby computers. The function is called «Sharing in proximity» and in this article we are going to explain how it works.

The first thing to highlight about this function is that it provides us a simple method to send files from one PC to another. A system in which it is not necessary to resort to the old formulas that we all already know, such as attaching them by email or uploading them to the cloud.

The advantages of this function are obvious, especially in the case of people who work as a team in the same location. File transfer thus becomes immediate and agile, without cables or complications, which results in comfort and productivity. It's even faster and more convenient than using the cloud. That is why this solution has more and more followers.

How to use this function

The key to everything lies in taking advantage of the connectivity options that the WiFi and Bluetooth networks. When there are two or more computers using the same connection, it is possible to send and receive files in a simple and convenient way. Therefore, The requirements to use this function are very basic. All that is needed is to have computers with the Microsoft operating system (Windows 10 or Windows 11) and with access to one of the aforementioned wireless connections.

proximity sharing

Activate “Nearby Sharing”

It must be said that this function for sharing files with nearby computers is not activated by default on Windows PCs. So the first thing we should do is proceed to its activation, something we can do as follows:

  1. First, we access the Settings of the operating system.
  2. Let's go to the section System.
  3. There we select Shared experiences.
  4. On the right side of the screen we find a section called «Sharing in proximity». As we said before, by default this is shown disabled. That's what we have to change.

At this point we are going to have some additional options to configure a shared file system to our liking. For example, we will be able to establish that only our own equipment is recognized, or that equipment located at a certain maximum distance is recognized.

Share files

After activating the function, these are the steps we must follow to quickly and easily share files with other nearby computers:

  1. To begin with, we select the file that we want to share.
  2. In the options shown in the top bar, we click on the icon "Share".
  3. Now we are going to “Proximity sharing”, where should we Select the destination computer. This has to be active and located within the correct coverage distance.
  4. Finally, the destination computer will receive a message communicating that it is receiving a file. You have to press "To accept" to finish the process.

Of course, it is the user of the receiving computer who must decide whether to accept the file that has been sent to him or not. If yes, you have the possibility to open it or save it in the folder previously specified in Windows settings. You can also reject it.

How long does it take to transfer a file from one PC to another? Of course, this depends on the size of the file itself, as well as the speed of the wireless networks we are using.

Share files in the cloud

In addition to this very practical function, there are other alternate modes to share files on Windows. Of course, these methods are still useful and can be compatible with the option we have seen of sharing files with nearby computers.


Storage platforms are very practical, not only to have immediate access to any file without having to save it on our PC, but also to share it with others. Microsoft's solution, OneDrive, is well known and used by many users. Additionally, when sharing a document or folder, it is possible to specify the permissions that we grant to each user.

The steps to carry out this operation are these:

  1. First we go to the folder that we want to share with other users or teams.
  2. Then we click on it with the the right button of the mouse.
  3. Next, in the menu that appears, we select the option "Share", attaching the emails of the users with whom we want to share the folder, as well as the permissions granted.
  4. To finish the process, we click on "Send".

The great advantage that the Microsoft storage platform offers us is that it is integrated into Windows. You don't need to install anything. That makes sharing a folder or document through Windows 11 a very quick and easy process.

You will find more information about how to use this service on the official website of Microsoft OneDrive.

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