How to share your computer's Internet connection with others via Wi-Fi

  • Windows 10 makes it easy to create a custom Wi-Fi network.
  • The connection sharing feature is available through system settings.
  • It is essential to choose the correct connection source to share.
  • Security may be compromised when enabling remote connections, so caution should be exercised.

Wi-Fi Router

On occasion, you may only be able to connect through a wired Ethernet network or through mobile networks to the Internet, or you may only be able to use your Wi-Fi network with one device and need it on others. If this is your case, you can use other types of external devices to solve it, but if you prefer to do it faster you can directly use your Windows 10 computer.

And it is that, if in it if you have access to the Internet, say that with Windows 10 a function is incorporated that allows directly create a new custom Wi-Fi network with your own name and passwordregardless of the method you are using to connect. In this way, you will be able to solve any of the problems you have at a stroke and access the Internet from other devices, regardless of their operating system.

So you can share the Internet connection of your Windows computer with more devices through Wi-Fi

As we mentioned, this tutorial is especially useful for those who have a computer connected to the Internet through Ethernet, or through the mobile network with a SIM card. In these cases, as long as the computer has a Wi-Fi antenna, you can easily share your Internet connection with other devices, creating a new network.

As this function is given by default with Windows 10, what you should do first is go to your computer's settings, something that you can easily achieve from the Start menu or by pressing the Win + I combination on the keyboard. Once here, in the main menu, choose the option of "Network and Internet", which will show all the details of the different connections of your team.

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Then, in the menu that you will find on the left, you must select the option "Zone with mobile wireless coverage", which in this case is the name by which this function is called in Windows, although you could also find it by its original name, Hotspot, depending on the language of the operating system.

Mobile hotspot in Windows 10

Before you start sharing your computer's Internet connection, it is important that you configure everything correctly to avoid possible problems. Then We describe the different options provided by the operating system and what you should choose to customize:

  • Share my internet connection from: probably the most important point. The drop-down will show all the Internet access points through which your computer is connected to the network (Ethernet, 4G / LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth…). You must choose the one you want to use to be shared through the Wi-Fi network that you will create.
  • Network name and password: By default Windows generates the Wi-Fi network based on the name of your computer and a password that is generated randomly. If you click on the edit button, a settings box should appear, through which you will have the possibility to change these parameters to your liking (they do not have to be the same as those of your Wi-Fi network, you can change them to your taste).
  • Activate remotely- This gives other devices, usually via a Bluetooth connection, the ability to request that Windows enable mobile hotspot. It is advisable not to have it activated unless you control all the devices that you connect to your computer through this technology, since if you do not do so, you could have security problems in the future.
Wi-Fi Router
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Once you have done all this, in the upper part of that same configuration window you will be able to mark the first switch with the name "Share my Internet connection with other devices". As soon as you have done this, after a few seconds your computer will begin to share the Internet connection through the Wi-Fi network that you have configured, allowing you to connect from other devices.

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