The best websites for short jokes for adults

  • Humor is a social tool that relieves stress and improves emotional well-being.
  • Short jokes for adults foster social connection and group cohesion.
  • There are various websites and applications that offer jokes organized by categories.
  • Laughter stimulates the mind and creates moments of fun among friends.

The best websites for short jokes for adults

Humor is often the best salvation in complicated situations. It can also be a good way to break the ice at certain times. Therefore, it will surely be good for you to know the best short joke websites for adults.

Chascarrillos that you can easily memorize and that you can share with others in events and situations that give rise to this type of interaction. Take note of the pages and apps that we are going to recommend.

Why do you like jokes so much?

Short joke websites for adults

Children love to tell and have jokes told to them, and this phenomenon continues into adulthood. According to experts, there are social and emotional aspects that explain why we like this form of humor so much.

Entertainment and fun

Jokes are designed to make us laugh, they provide us relief from daily stress and tensions. And it is that Laughter is a natural response that makes us feel good and increases our emotional well-being.

A good joke and The laughter that follows will not alleviate our problems and worries, but it makes these “weigh” us a little less while we are having a good time.

Social connection

Sharing jokes and laughing with others strengthens the social bond. It's a simple and fun way to get interaction and, in addition, promotes group cohesion. Because it is more likely that bonds will emerge between people who share good times together.

Emotional relief

Short jokes for adults make us laugh, and laughter releases endorphins. These neurotransmitters act as a natural pain reliever and automatically improve our mood.

cognitive stimulation

Understanding a joke involves rapid cognitive processing and perceptual skills. When we solve word games or we interpret a comical situation in our head, we are developing our mental acuity.

Culture and context

Jokes express shared values, social critiques, or reflect common situations that we all recognize and may find funny. Therefore, humor is something closely linked to the culture that prevails in a society.

Short joke websites for adults

Short joke websites for adults

If you feel like laughing for a while, or want to learn some new jokes for your next social gathering, you can find all kinds of jokes on these websites.


This website collects a lot of entertainment content: poetry, memes, stories, tests, etc. It has a wide selection of jokes organized into different categories such as short, dark humor, bad jokes, for children, the curtain opens...

Here are some examples of what you can find:

– Honey, I think you are obsessed with football and I miss you.
– What's missing?! Missing?! If I haven't touched you!!

– Private Lopez!
- Yes my captain?
– I didn't see him yesterday in the camouflage test.
– Thank you, my captain!

– What does Darth Vader keep in his refrigerator?
– Dark ice cream.

Explore the Yavendras website here.

Despite having such a simple design that reminds us of the websites of the 90s of the last century, this page is a treasure trove for joke lovers. In fact, You can directly send your favorite to be published.

In the classified jokes section you can find them organized by themes such as: marriages, sports, thieves, bosses, Jaimito, soldiers, crazy people... If what you want are short jokes for adults, you will also find a category dedicated especially to them.

Here are some examples:

A Spaniard and an Englishman travel by boat. The Englishman falls into the water and shouts:
– Help! Help!
The Spanish tells him:
– I don't have gel, but if you want I have shampoo.

- How do you say mirror in Chinese?
– Ai-toy.

– What does one freckled person say to another?
– I beat you on points.

Explore the website here.


Another simple website, but capable of giving us hours and hours of fun and laughter. Because here we can find thousands of jokes.

As is usual in this type of pages, they are cataloged by categories such as professions, computing, ethnicities, family, health, animals, etc. If you are looking for a joke on a very specific topic, You will almost certainly find it here.

Short jokes for adults are among visitors' favorites, and it has a section dedicated exclusively to them. We leave you some examples:

– This is the commander of flight 347 bound for Barcelona. We are waiting for them to give us a runway to land.
– Here's the control tower, there's the clue: gold looks like silver, it's not.

– What does “why” mean in English?
- Because.
– For knowing it.

Explore the Chistemanía website here.

Jokes for everyone, Funny jokes

Why do you like jokes so much?

If you prefer to have a good collection of short and funny jokes always at hand, try this free application.

Although it hasn't been updated for some time, It has an average rating of 4,2 stars out of 5, and includes a wide selection of jokes. Here are a couple of examples:

At the doctor:
– Mr. Terminator, to what do I owe your visit?
– Doctor, my sense of taste, touch, hearing, smell and even sight fail me, baby.

Subtle ways to tell your dad you crashed his car:
– Dad, dad, have you seen the corner post?
- Yes son.
– Well, not me.

You can download here Jokes for everyone, Jokes gr

10.000 Jokes

It is an application for Android mobiles that offers just what its name promises: a very wide selection of jokes organized by categories. It also includes a search engine that will make it easier for you to find the perfect joke for every moment.

With more than 500.000 downloads, this application is perfect for you to have fun while you wait, and also to share jokes with your friends.

You can download 10.000 jokes here.

Jokes are an important part of the interaction between people, because they strengthen social relationships. Plus, they make us laugh and help us feel better. Without forgetting that they stimulate our mind. Therefore, any of these short joke websites for adults, or the apps that we have recommended, are a good choice. There are very good jokes and others that are not as high quality, but they will all make you, at least, smile. So we invite you to try them.

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