Shortcuts with the Windows logo key

  • Keyboard shortcuts are essential tools to improve productivity in Windows 10.
  • They allow you to perform repetitive tasks without losing concentration by avoiding the use of the mouse.
  • Windows 10 offers a number of shortcuts that make it easier to access features and settings.
  • Efficient use of these shortcuts can significantly optimize the user experience.

Windows 10 on-screen keyboard

Keyboard shortcuts have become one of the most powerful tools that any operating system offers us. Each version of Windows, like all the corresponding updates, offer us a series of keyboard shortcuts with which we can increase our productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts are especially useful when we have to perform some repetitive task but We do not want to lose concentration when we are writing a document, carrying out a task ... Having to release the keyboard to use the mouse makes us lose concentration on many occasions.

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10

  • Windows logo key: Open or close Home
  • Windows logo key + A: Open the Activity Center
  • Windows logo key + B: Bring focus to the notification area
  • Windows logo key + Shift + C: Open the access buttons menu
  • Windows logo key + D: Show and hide the desktop
  • Windows logo key + Alt + D: Show and hide the date and time on the desktop
  • Windows logo key + E: Open File Explorer
  • Windows logo key + F: Open Feedback Center and take a screenshot
  • Windows logo key + G: Open the game bar with an open game
  • Windows logo key + H: Start dictation
  • Windows logo key + I: Open Settings
  • Windows logo key + J: Focus on a Windows suggestion when one is available.
  • Windows logo key + K: Open the Connect quick action
  • Windows logo key + L: Lock your computer or switch accounts
  • Windows logo key + M: Minimize all windows
  • Windows logo key + O: Lock device orientation
  • Windows logo key + P: Choose a presentation mode
  • Windows logo key + R: Open the Run dialog
  • Windows logo key + S: Open search
  • Windows logo key + T: Scroll through the applications on the taskbar
  • Windows logo key + U: Open Ease of Access Center
  • Windows logo key + V: Scroll through notifications
  • Windows logo key + Shift + V: Scroll through notifications in reverse order
  • Windows logo key + X: Open the Quick Link menu
  • Windows logo key + Y: Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and the desktop
  • Windows logo key + Z: Show available commands in an application in full screen mode

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