Operators' smartphones begin to receive Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary

  • Anniversary Update officially launching on August 2nd.
  • The update is now available for carrier-locked smartphones.
  • Improvements to Cortana battery and performance.
  • Users are still waiting for the update due to its staggered release.

10 Windows Mobile

On August 2, Microsoft officially launched the second major Windows 10 update, dubbed the Anniversary Update and that has been reaching all users in a staggered manner through Windows Update. Unfortunately, Windows 10 Mobile users have had to wait one more time, but the new software is already coming to most devices with the Redmond operating system.

Also in the last hours This new Windows 10 Mobile update has begun to reach smartphones blocked by the different mobile phone operators. There are not many operators that block the terminals they sell, but there are still some, whose users are already beginning to receive the update.

The improvements and new options that Anniversary Update offers us are many and among the most outstanding we find an improvement in battery consumption when using Microsoft Edge, the best performance offered by Cortana or the changes made in the interface that undoubtedly they will help very much in our day to day.

In order to install the new Windows 10 Mobile update on your mobile device, you just have to go into the system settings and look for the update in the menu of Update and Security. Of course, keep in mind that Anniversary Update is being launched on the market in a staggered way so it may happen that you still do not have it available to install.

Microsoft once again gave not very correct information, saying that the Anniversary Update would be available on August 2, but more than 20 days later there are still users with Windows 10 who have not received the update. Luckily yes, it seems that it begins to solve this problem.

Have you received the new Windows 10 update on your smartphone?.

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      Bers ser said

    The problem is knowing if you already have it or not is that one day a new skyper was installed and I don't know if I already have it or I still have to wait.