A few days ago we officially learned thanks to the information from Lumia's official support that we could soon have the popular application Snapchat on terminals with operating system WWindows 10 Mobile. Microsoft seems clear that it has been decided to put the batteries in regard to applications, which we miss so much in devices with the Redmond operating system.
WhatsAppp, Instagram or Facebook already offer very similar options and functions in Windows 10 Mobile compared to Android or iOS. Now Snapchat, which is not yet available for Lumia terminals, seems to be very close to making its official landing.
To further confirm this news, In the last hours a video has been leaked, which you can see at the top of this article, in which you can see what would be the official Snapchat application for Windows 10 Mobile. The video has generated many doubts, and it has not been signed as real, but we could not stop echoing this information.
At the moment we have to continue waiting for all of us who use a device with Windows 10 Mobile and settle for other applications, without being able to enjoy Snapchat. Finally I do not want to say goodbye without throwing a reflection, Why has Microsoft confirmed the launch of Snapchat very soon and the developers of the application leave without confirming anything in this regard?.
Hopefully this reflection is just a reflection and the developers keep quiet because they are too busy working on the development of the application for Windows 10 Mobile.