Solve Windows 10 Anniversary Update problems with this tool

  • Microsoft has released the Self Healing Tool for Windows 10 Anniversary Update issues.
  • Fixes login crashes and hard drive errors.
  • It works by detecting corrupted files and repairing them easily.
  • It is advisable to use it as a preventative measure, even if there are no current problems.


Microsoft is up to date when it comes to its operating system. We recently received what was the most important update to date for Windows 10. The Microsoft team released the Anniversary Update, an update that promised improvements, compatibility, and bug fixes. However, these big updates often bring more problems with them than they fix, mostly because they are not cumulative updates. Thus, weeks later, Microsoft launches a tool that will help us, We teach you how to solve Windows 10 Anniversary Update problems with this tool, it is called Windows Self Healing and it is quite interesting.

This tool is specially designed for the problems caused by the Windows 10 Annyversary Update, such as crashes that occur when logging in, or bad configurations of hard drives. These problems have been recognized by the Redmond company itself, which is why they have rushed to launch this tool. According to them, when you run the Windows Self-Healing Tool you will be able to use your device normally again, and you will not lose any information or have hardware problems Will it work that well? We are going to check it. According to the developers, the tool simply works with the usual system repair components, detects corrupted files and rebuilds them in the easiest and fastest way imaginable. The user interface of this tool is quite simple, so you will not need a tutorial.

It is the only thing we can do while cumulative updates for the operating system are arriving, we can not do anything else the truth. Microsoft promised big updates during 2017, but for that there are months, many months, so we recommend that use the Self Healing Tool even if your device does not give problems, to avoid those that you may find in the future. Go ahead and download it in this LINK.

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