How to play the spinning top game on Google

  • Google's dreidel game allows you to play dreidel, a traditional Jewish game of chance, digitally.
  • Access the game by searching for 'dreidel' on Google and selecting the first result.
  • There are many other free games accessible from the browser without installation.
  • Jewish culture plays dreidel during Hanukkah, usually betting chocolate coins.

How to play the spinning top game on Google

Can you imagine being able to play spinning top on Google? What if we told you that you can do it right now? Get ready to discover one of the hidden games in the search engine, with the greatest capacity to hook you for hours and hours.

As with other entertainment of this type, you don't need to install anything. The only thing you need is to have an Internet connection and do a simple search. Pay attention because we tell you how to access this game.

What is the spinning top game on Google?

What is the spinning top game on Google?

Spinning top or spinning top is a traditional game in many countries, in which you have to spin an object (the top) on a surface, using a rope or string to do so.

Although there are many varieties of this game, the most common thing is that some players compete against others and try to make their top spin longer than the rest. Other varieties of team play involve throw the tops onto the playing field and try to collide with those of the opposing team to move them out of the designated area.

However, Google spinning top is not a digital version of this classic game, but from the dreidel. A type of spinning top typical of Jewish culture, which is made up of four sides, each marked with a Hebrew letter.

Each player starts with the same amount of chips, candy or coins that create a pot. They then take turns spinning the dreidel and, depending on which letter lands up, the player has to do a specific action:

  • נ (Nun): No problem. The player neither wins nor loses chips.
  • ג (Gimel): The player wins all the chips in the pot.
  • ה (Hei): The player wins half the pot.
  • ש (Shin) or פ (Pe): The player must put a chip in the pot.

It is a completely random game that continues until one of the players wins the entire pot.

The Google spinning top game allows us to enjoy the experience of playing dreidel, but in its digital version, and we assure you that it can be very addictive.

How to play spinning top on Google?

How to play spinning top on Google?

It is one of the multiple games that Google hides in its search engine. To access it you have to open the search engine and enter the word “dreidel”. If you click on the first result that appears, you can start your game.

It is a good way to always have this particular spinning top on hand. and be able to organize games with friends or family. In Jewish culture, it is common to gamble on Hanukkah, and what is usually wagered are chocolate coins.

Other free games from your browser

Other free games from your browser

To enjoy some entertainment with a video game, you don't need to download or install anything, because there are a good number of games that are at your disposal directly through your browser. Here are some examples:

Alone in the Dark

If you like graphic adventures with a touch of horror, you surely know this classic that is considered the first survival horror in history.

Alone and in the dark, you will enter a mansion to discover the truth about the alleged suicide of Jeremy Hartwood. Although the game no longer generates the same feeling of tension as in 1992, because since then We have seen truly terrifying video games, The truth is that it is worth spending a few hours on it.

Play Alone in the Dark

In this particular game our mission is to guide a black hole through the city and try to swallow everything we can to gradually increase in size. However, we are not alone, other players are with us, and their black holes could swallow us if they are bigger than ours.

It is a simple and very original dynamic, which reminds us to a certain extent of the classic snake game. If you try it, you will surely be hooked.


Golden Ax

In the arcades of the 80s of the last century there was no shortage of this beat'em with a clear inspiration in Conan the Barbarian and other films of the time. The plot couldn't be simpler: eliminate all the enemies that appear, until you reach the powerful final enemy.

Many years have passed for this game, but that doesn't mean it has lost its charm. If you want to release some stress and have a good time, choose your character, wield your sword or your axe, and Get ready to kill all the enemies that dare to confront you.

Play Golden Ax


The first version of this game was released in 2011 and, although it is not as complete as the version that we can enjoy today on PC, mobile phones and consoles, it does allow us to get a closer look at the Minecraft experience.

If you're not sure if this game is for you, you can play the free browser version. However, we already warned you that it is very likely that you will end up hooked on their quick games.

Play Minecraft


After the success of Doom, Its creator John Romero took some time to release the second part. In the meantime, he developed a direct continuation of the first game: Sigil.

It consists of nine single-player levels and nine multiplayer maps. And, as it could not be otherwise, there is no shortage of the original graphics that made Doom so popular at the time.

Play Sigil

These are just a few examples, but many classic games such as Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter or Tetris, among others, have versions that are playable completely free from the browser. If you didn't play them at the time, or want to relive your childhood and adolescence, you shouldn't miss them.

The top on Google is quite a discovery, but you already know that the Internet is full of good surprises when it comes to video games. Do you dare to try this and other hidden games?

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