How to switch desktop in Windows 11

  • Virtual desktops in Windows allow you to work with multiple applications in full screen.
  • You can change desktop names and backgrounds for better organization.
  • Windows 11 remembers the location of apps on desktops after restart.
  • Switching between desktops can be done using keyboard shortcuts or the taskbar.

Windows 11 desktops

If you usually work with an application or two at the most, it is most likely that you have both open on the same screen, it is the same desktop, for this way not having to switch between desktops or minimizing and maximizing the application that you need at all times.

However, when it comes to applications or web pages that require a greater width to be able to display all the available information and make it more comfortable to work with them, displaying it on a part of the screen is not a solution. it is best to use a desk to herself.

What are desktops in Windows

Windows 11 Desktops

The sporadic solution, or common for many users who due to lack of space or money cannot afford it, is use multiple virtual desktops. By desktop I mean the screen space where the applications we have open are located.

Thanks to desks, we can have a large number of applications open full screen and accessing them quickly and easily without having to minimize the applications we are using and maximize the ones we need at all times.

All desktops have the same wallpaper (although we can change them as I show you later), which is nothing more than the Windows main start screen. If we want to start working regularly with desktops, we can:

  • Change the default name. This allows us to quickly identify the desktop when we access the desktop overview.
  • Change desktop wallpaper. Another option that also allows us to identify the desks.

Best of all, Windows 11 has memory when working with desktops. That is, every time we start the computer and open the applications we need, these sand will be placed on the same desk where we place them the last time we opened them.

Si we use several monitors connected to the equipment, Windows 11 will open the applications and it will show them on the monitors where we have used the applications. This is a significant improvement over Windows 10 and a feature that is not available in any other desktop operating system.

Virtual desktops are not unique to Windows 11, as we can also find them in Windows 10, so if you have not had the opportunity to update to the new version of Windows, you can follow the tutorial that we show you in this article to switch between desktops in Windows.

How to switch desktop in Windows 11

task view Windows 11 manage desktops

Windows puts at our disposal two different methods to switch between desktops:

Via keyboard shortcuts

Those of us who spend many hours in front of the computer have adopted keyboard shortcuts for the immediacy that supposes us when carrying out repetitive tasks.

These repetitive tasks can derail our concentration, by having to separate your hands from the keyboard to perform specific actions.

The keyboard shortcuts for access desktops in Windows 11, and also in Windows 10, are:

  • Windows key + Control + right arrow to move to the desktop on the right.
  • Windows key + Control + left arrow to move to the desk on the left.

If we want to access the preview of all open desktops, we will press the Windows Key + Tab keys.

Through the taskbar

If we are not very fond of keyboard shortcuts, another available option that we have at our disposal to access all the desktops that we have open is via the taskbar.

On the taskbar, just to the right of the magnifying glass, an icon that responds to the name of Task View is displayed, an icon that is square that varies depending on the number of desktops that we have open.

By clicking on this icon, each and every one of the desktops that we have open in Windows 11 will be displayed.

This function is also available in Windows 10, to the right of the search box and responds to the same description: Task view.

How to create new desktops in Windows 11

Windows 11 desktops

Create a new desktop in a very simple and fast process, so if you are wondering about the possibility of starting to use them, you will surely give it a try.

FOR create new desktops in Windows 11, we will carry out the steps that I show you below:

  • Click on the button Task view (located to the right of the magnifying glass on the taskbar).
  • Next, we go to the last virtual desktop of our team and click on New desktop.

Through command Windows key + Control + D We can also create new virtual desktops in Windows 11.

The method for create desktops in Windows 10 it is exactly the same as in Windows 11.

How to close desktops in Windows 11

close Windows 10 desktops

If we do not want to continue using any of the different desktops that we have previously created, if we don't want to get lost between desks until we get to the one we need, the best we can do is eliminate it.

FOR delete / close a desktop in Windows 11, we must:

  • Click on the button Task view to show all desktops.
  • Then we place the mouse on the desktop that we want to close and we wait until an X is displayed in the upper right corner of the desktop.
  • To close the desktop, we press the X.

Windows it will not ask us if we are sure we want to close it, since, if you show any type of content, it will be displayed on the main desktop.

The method for close desktops in Windows 10 it is exactly the same as in Windows 11.

How to rename desktops in Windows 11

Every time we create a new desktop, Windows 11, it numbers them: Desktop 1, Desktop 2, Desktop 3 ... Rename desktops It will allow us to more quickly identify the content (applications) that we have placed in it.

FOR rename desktops in Windows 11 we carry out the following steps:

  • Once again, click on the button Task view.
  • Then we go to the desktop name that we want to change and click on it.
  • At that moment the name of the selected desktop will be displayed, so that when you write, it is automatically deleted.

The method for rename desktop in Windows 10 it is exactly the same as in Windows 11.

Change the order of desktops in Windows 11

move Windows 11 desktops

Changing the order of the desktops is as simple as press on the desktop that we want to move and without releasing, drag it to the position we want it to have.

Unfortunately this option It is NOT available on Windows. 10.

Move apps to other desktops in Windows 11

If once you have organized your desktop with the applications you need in each one of them, but you have changed your mind, you can quickly switch applications between desktops.

FOR move applications from one desktop to another in Windows 11, we proceed as follows:

  • We access the Task view.
  • Next, we go to the desktop where it is located the application we want to move.
  • Next, we place the mouse over that application and we dragged it to the desk where we want it to be displayed.

The method for move apps between desktops in Windows 10 it is exactly the same as in Windows 11.

Change the background image of a desktop in Windows 11

change desktops Windows 11

Change the background image of a desktop in Windows 11 it is exactly the same as in Windows 10.

However, we must bear in mind that while in Windows 11 each desktop has its own identity, that is, it may have a different background image, in Windows 10 it is not.

If we change the background image of a desktop in Windows 10, This will be changed in all the desks that we have open.

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