WhatsApp and Telegram are agreeing to launch updates, printing news that make users seriously consider which of the two platforms to use. However, despite the fact that Telegram offers a larger range of functionalities than what we can find in WhatsApp, especially in Windows 10 Mobile, the reality is that WhatsApp continues to win by a landslide, especially due to the deep-rooted habit of using this application of messaging that has been present among all of us for almost ten years and that is currently owned by Facebook. However, Today we are going to talk about Telegram, its latest update and all the news that comes with it.
These are the most important improvements that we will find in version 1.29 of the Telegram application for Windows 10 Mobile:
- New photo editor –version 2.0–. You can draw on top of photos, add stickers and write on top
- Now you can see what groups you have in common with your contacts
- They have fixed bugs and improved performance
The performance is still spectacular, however it will continue to be a secondary messaging application, no matter how bad it is. It should also be remembered that Telegram has its own application for Windows 10 in the desktop version, and much more, it is totally multiplatform, so we also have applications for Android, iOS, macOS and of course, Linux, a bit of everything thanks to the Messaging application of Russian origin.
Currently on Windows 10 Mobile, the Telegram application is running slightly faster than WhatsApp, However, the poor development of both is a bit frustrating for Windows 10 Mobile users, who see how both applications perform spectacularly in the competition, both on Android and iOS.