How to kill processes thanks to the Task Manager

  • Windows Task Manager allows you to identify and manage programs that consume excessive resources.
  • Windows 10 can consume up to 30% of resources when idle and up to 60% when running multiple applications.
  • It is possible to terminate problematic processes by selecting them and using the 'End Process' option.
  • Using web search engines to identify unknown programs can prevent closing essential system processes.

Task Manager

Many of you will already know that there are malicious programs that consume a lot of computer resources and make our Windows 10 or our computer go slower than normal. There are also programs that work abnormally that consume many resources and others that, after activating third parties, also saturate our computer.

Unless it is a virus, all these processes or programs can be corrected thanks to the Windows Task Manager. This administrator allows us not only to end these malicious programs but also to detect which program is "slowing down" our computer.

First we have to open the Windows 10 Task Manager to be able to perform any of the above options. To do this we have to press lCtrl + Shift + Esc keys or directly go to the Start menu and in Search insert the words "Task Manager" so that the Task Manager icon appears.

Windows 10 in dormant state consumes 30% of resources according to Task Manager

After opening this task manager, a window with several tabs will appear. We have to go to the "Processes" tab where all the programs and applications that are running at that moment will appear. The CPU consumption, the ram memory, the internal storage they occupy, etc ... will appear for each application.

Usually Windows 10 when you are not running any programs, it has an overall consumption of 30%, if we are running several applications, this consumption rises to 60% but if it is more, we are facing one or several applications that consume our resources in an exaggerated way. So we locate these apps and stop them. To do this we select them and click on them with the right click.

Now we go to "End Process" and that's it. This is how we have to do it with each program that we believe is resource-intensive. The list of programs that appears to us, usually has abbreviationsTo know what program they refer to and not end the file manager process, for example, we can use the web browser. In any of them, the meaning of the non-dangerous and the most dangerous programs appears.

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