La efficiency and productivity They are two essential aspects and more important than ever in the digital age. The possibility of carrying out several tasks at the same time and in the shortest possible time is a reality, although in many cases it is one of the main causes of lack of attention and concentration. Therefore, it is important to take into account tools that help us work faster but efficiently and without losing focus. The keyboard shortcuts are one of those essential resources to optimize our workflow. By knowing and mastering these commands we can save time valuable and reduce the number of clicks we need to complete our daily tasks.
To discover which are the most useful keyboard shortcuts we have turned to the reddit community where users share their tricks and secrets daily to improve their productivity. In this article we will show you the most recommended and used keyboard shortcuts according to these forums and we will teach you how to use them. In addition, we will comment on the most frequent shortcuts in various tasks and applications that are widely used in areas of productivity and efficiency.
What are keyboard shortcuts and what are they for?
Slabkeyboard slashes are key combinations that quickly execute a specific function in a program or operating system. That is, instead of navigating through menus and submenus, shortcuts allow you to simply press a series of keys to perform actions such as copying and pasting text, closing windows, switching between desktops, or opening applications. These shortcuts are designed to improve efficiency and reduce time what you spend interacting with the user interface.
For example, instead of right-clicking to copy text and then right-clicking again to paste it, you can use the corresponding keyboard shortcut and perform the same action in a fraction of a second. This tool allows you to have both hands on the keyboard and Minimize mouse use.
Best shortcuts for Windows
Below we will analyze the most used and best rated shortcuts on Reddit for the Microsoft operating system, Windows.
- Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V: These two shortcuts are possibly the best known and most used in any operating system. Ctrl + C allow copy the selected text or elementWhile Ctrl + V paste the text or element in the desired location. These shortcuts are universal and essential for any Windows user, simplifying tasks that involve data manipulation.
- Alt + Tab: Alt + Tab is a shortcut that allows you Quickly switch between open apps. It is especially useful when you work with multiple programs and need to switch from one to another without wasting time.
- Win + D: Win + D minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop. This shortcut is very useful when you need quick access to desktop icons or just want clean open applications on the screen.
- Win+L: Win + L locks the computer screen, without turning off or logging out. It can be used when you stop using the computer and are going to return shortly, or you do not want the session to be lost, and you do not want others to look at the information on the screen.
- Ctrl + Shift + Esc: This shortcut open Task Manager directly to view and manage the processes and applications that are running.
Best shortcuts for web browsers
In this section we will talk about best shortcuts to use when you are browsing with your search engine to be able to manage the windows and interact with them much faster.
- Ctrl + T: This command used in Windows open a new tab in the browser. Something that makes our work easier to open several tabs and not have to click on the browser icon all the time. In macOS the command is Cmd + T.
- Ctrl + W: Ctrl + W on Windows and Cmd + W on macOS are commands used to close the current tab in the browser. An easy tool to quickly exit the window and return to the desktop or whatever application you have open in the background.
- Ctrl + Shift + T: This shortcut allows reopening the last closed tab, so it is very useful to recover those tabs that you have closed by mistake. In macOS the command is Cmd + Shift + T
Shortcuts for productivity apps
If there is a field where keyboard shortcuts are especially important, it is the office and productivity field, where time is money and any tool to optimize work time is welcome.
Microsoft Office
- Ctrl + S: This command directly save the current document you are working on within the Office application. It will help you avoid data loss due to errors or unexpected application closures.
- Ctrl + Z: The next shortcut allows you to undo the last action performed. That is, if you have written a letter that you shouldn't have or deleted something by mistake, with this command you can quickly undo it.
Google Docs
- Ctrl + K: With this key combination in Google Docs You will open the option to insert a hyperlink to be able to add links to a text document without using the mouse.
- Ctrl + Shift + C: This shortcut rcounts and shows the total number of words in the document. Especially useful for writers or for writing jobs that have a word limit.
Shortcuts for design tools
Finally, we will comment on some very useful and simple shortcuts to use in editing tools like Photoshop or Illustrator so you can get the most out of it if you like photography and use them frequently.
Adobe Photoshop
- Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Alt + Z: In Photoshop, Ctrl + Z allows you to undo the last action only onceWhile Ctrl + Alt + Z allows you to undo multiple actions por if you have had a bug for a long time and want to fix it quickly without having to start the project again.
- Ctrl + T: With this command you will activate the free transformation tool for free editing of the design.
- Ctrl + G: This shortcut groups previously selected objects to easily handle them as a single object.
- Ctrl + Shift + A: With this command we ungroup the selected objects.