These are the reasons why I live in love with Windows 10

  • Windows 10 is offered free of charge to users.
  • The simplicity of the operating system makes it easy to use on a daily basis.
  • Automatic updates ensure that your system is always up to date.
  • Cortana and Continuum improve the user experience across multiple devices.


It has been some time since Windows 10 was officially presented and although we are still waiting for the arrival of Windows 10 Mobile on the market, many of us have been enjoying the version for computers for months. And today The time has come to take stock and tell you the reasons why I am in love with Windows 10 and of course all its new features and options.

I could never honestly think when I began to test the first builds available for developers, that this new Microsoft operating system was going to grow so much and so fast, and until it reached the more than correct operating system that it is today. It has gone through many phases, most of them bad and desperate, but after 6 months in the market the result is more than positive. Of course, there is still a lot of work to do for Microsoft and there are things that are not up to expectations, for example Microsoft Edge, although we hope they will improve greatly in the coming months.

In this balance that I am going to do today I want to tell you the 10 reasons why today I live in love with Windows 10 and the idea of ​​returning to Windows 7 or even taking the leap to start using it has been taken from my head other operating systems that were not signed by Microsoft. I do not ask you to share my opinion, but if you understand it, respect it and if you have not tried the new Windows yet, you can try it right now.

I have spent 0 euros with Windows 10

One of the things that won me over from day one was that I did not have to spend a single euro to be able to have Windows 10 on my computer. I know that many other companies do not charge for their new operating systems, but until now I had had to pay for each and every one of the new Windows, and in most cases it had not been a small amount at all.

This time not only has Windows 10 been free, but I have been able to test it and I have even had and have in mind the possibility of returning to my old operating system. All this for the low price of 0 euros. Microsoft, you have done very well, now I just hope that what is not repeated more than wanting to charge us a good handful of euros for the next Windows 11 ?.

Simplicity or a guaranteed success


Perhaps because we have had to suffer for a long time Windows 8, to my sure to many Windows 1st it gives us the feeling of being a simple operating system in every way. This feature is a guaranteed success for any software or application.

When I started using Microsoft's new operating system, everything looked weird and some things took a long time to find. With the passage of time, everything has become very simple and working with Windwos 10 every day is a real pleasure. Hopefully simplicity continues to be one of the characteristics of Microsoft and its upcoming operating systems, because surely that will mean success.

The generalized speed by flag

One of the things I like the most about Windows 10 is how fast the entire operating system moves. I also notice this every time I work on my laptop where I have not yet wanted to abandon Windows 8.1 and where sometimes the slowness it offers us compared to the new Windows is exasperating.

True is that This speed has been acquired by Windows 10 over time and it is that in the first version and until the first updates did not arrive, it was somewhat desperate to see how some options or applications took a long time to open.

Automatic Updates. Is there a problem?

Until now, any user could decide whether to update their operating system and could even deactivate not only their installation but also the automatic search. With the arrival of Windows 10 we have lost control over updates, but I sincerely believe that users have not lost anything, quite the opposite. And it is that before on many occasions, and at least in my case I had my computer without updating due to laziness. Now that option is not possible.

I know that many would like to have control over everything that happens in Windows 10, but on the issue of updates I think it is better that they force us to make the decisions. Windows 10 is always, whether we want to or not to update, which is undoubtedly a great advantage for any user, no matter how much someone refuses to believe it.

The spectacular return of the Start menu

Windows 10

With Windows 10, the real Start menu that we could enjoy in other Windows has returned. It has also done so by improving its options and including the famous tiles that in my opinion have finally found their site. Now we not only have everything we need accessible from this popular menu, but we can also edit and order it to our liking through the tiles that so many negative comments led to in Window 8.

Microsoft has corrected its errors and has redeemed itself from them by offering us a spectacular Start menu.

Cortana, a helper available 24 hours a day

Cortana is Microsoft voice assistant, which was already available on mobile devices with Windows Phone operating system. Now it has made the leap to computers with Windows 10 and we could say that it is really useful when looking for a file, a piece of information on the network of networks or helping us by doing the functions of an agenda that reminds us of any event or meeting.

I have to say that I was not a big fan of voice assistants, but with Cortana we could say that I have changed my opinion and now I use it quite a bit, on my computer, because I still don't use it too much on my smartphone.

Continuum or the possibility of carrying a computer in your pocket

Windows 10

With the arrival of Windows 10 we have been able to enjoy an operating system full of news, improvements and new functions. In addition, it has also appeared on the scene Continuum, a new feature that allows us to turn our mobile device into the closest thing to a computer. Of course, for this we will need a specific terminal, for now the Lumia 950 and a device that allows us to make use of this interesting possibility.

I have not been able to test this new Microsoft creation too much, but without a doubt the possibility of carrying my smartphone and my computer in my trouser pocket, to be able to use it at any time as one thing or the other is something that has me totally loved. In case Continuum doesn't seem interesting at all, think about all those times you carry your laptop in your backpack and your mobile device in your trouser pocket.

Windows 8 bugs and discomforts are gone

I always said and repeated a thousand times that Windows 8 It was not a bad operating system, but now that I have tried Windows 10 I can say that I was wrong. The previous version of Windows, not that it was bad, good either, but what is certain is that it was full of errors and inconveniences, which made life very difficult for us users.

With Windows 10 most of these problems have disappeared to give way to a clean and simple operating system that is increasingly present on more devices. The start screen, the absence of the menu, the discomforts that the control panel presented and a myriad of things are what made us suffer in Windows 8 and that now have disappeared in the new operating system and that luckily we have almost forgotten .

Opinion freely

Windows 10

I know that this article is completely opinionated, since I understand that there are users that Windows 10 does not convince of anything, but more or less I think that everyone will agree on all the things that I have highlighted about the new operating system of Microsoft. That is why I wanted to close with this «Free Opinion».

I think Windows 10 is the best operating system that Redmond has developed to date, even better than the extraordinary Windows XP or Windows 7, and is that in this new Windows is the essence of those operating systems that triumphed without palliative, but also new options and functions that make this new software something extraordinary. To finish, I believe that the room for improvement in various aspects, such as Microsoft Edge, is enormous, so perhaps in a period of a year or more I will do an article similar to this one again, incorporating some new functions or features that have made you fall in love a little more with this new Windows 10.

Are you a lover like me with Windows 10 or do you rather hate it?. You can tell us your opinion in the space reserved for comments on this post or through any of the social networks in which we are present.

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      Fernando Díaz said

    Strongly agree, I am in love with this OS and highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't updated. It is that they are losing a fast, agile, modern, secure system that finally brings the benefits of smartphones to the PC. Everyone who I've updated has liked it. Haters, there's nowhere to bite here.

      Matias said

    Hello, the only drawback that I have with this new operating system is that every now and then it takes forever to open Windows Explorer and not only that, when opening it and right-clicking on a file or folder, the explorer crashes. I do not know if anyone else has happened.

      abraham said

    Yes I agree. .insurmountable to None known. It is versatile faster in everything. Mail, navigation, and cortana not to mention an ease in all terms. And the activation of windows very easy. Now Microsoft q great tool. I love windows 10. In everything. No more headaches. My congratulations deserve everything. Greetings to all these windows professionals.

      physics12 said

    Well, I don't know, there are quite a few of us who have no way to install it, due to a strange error that there is no way to solve (the famous C1900101-20004, and see that I have tried ways by reading so many on the Internet that they happens). Unacceptable the pressure that Microsoft puts with the famous little icon and now more when finishing passing that update to the category of important). It would be better for them to have the best thought out installation. Very bad.