How to see your video history on TikTok?

  • TikTok has quickly gained popularity thanks to its engaging content and easy access.
  • The history allows you to review videos viewed and comments made on the platform.
  • Accessing your history is easy and only available on the mobile app.
  • History improves the user experience by making it easier to find lost content.


With much less time than other social platforms, TikTok has managed to establish a solid leadership within user preferences. The social video network offers a very simple mechanism with which we can spend hours hooked watching content. However, it is very common that situation in which we are looking at some material, we accidentally touch some area of ​​the screen and the session is updated, causing us to lose the video that we had in front of us. This happens very frequently and in that sense, we want to show you everything you need to know about how to view your TikTok history.

This will allow you to find all the videos that you have seen in your TikTok account in order to save them in the corresponding section or give that like that you could not before. You will also have the option to manage all the material that appears here in order to keep it or delete it, all according to your preferences.

What is TikTok history?

The history is a section that we can find in various applications and computer systems, which allows us to collect all the actions that have been carried out. This is something that will depend entirely on the nature of the system, so that, in a browser, the history incorporates all the pages that we have visited, for example. Thus, in the case of the TikTok history, it is a section that saves all the videos that have been played in your session. In that sense, consulting it will give you the possibility to see all the content that has been presented on your screen again.

Accessing this menu is something very simple and below we are going to show you everything you have to do, not only to enter it, but also to work with it and with the options that we have available.

How to check the history on TikTok?

We know that TikTok is a social network that we can access both from our mobile and from our computer. However, you should know that, the history of watched videos and comments is only available in the application for Android and iOS.. So, if you are from the web or from the Windows application, you will not have access to this menu.

From the phone

To check the TikTok history from your mobile, follow these steps:

  • Open TikTok.
  • Enter in your Profile.
  • Touch the icon of the 3 horizontal stripes in the upper right part of the interface.
  • Go to “Settings and Privacy”.
  • Go to the "Content and display" section.
  • Select “History of comments and videos watched”.
  • Enter the type of history you want to review: viewed videos or comments.

In this way, you will have at hand not only the videos that have been played on your account, but also the comments you have made on your own material and that of others. It should be noted that you will also be able to remove material from this section. To do this, all you have to do is leave it pressed and select “Delete” in the menu that is displayed.

It doesn't matter from which mobile platform you are working, the steps to follow to access the TikTok history are exactly the same.

How does the TikTok history improve the user experience?

This platform option represents an extremely useful alternative to enhance the user experience on the social network. If you have seen a video and you have not liked or saved it, you might think that everything is lost and that it is not possible to see it again. However, with the history section we have the ability to retrace our steps within TikTok and find all that material that has been played again.

In this way, we can see the history section as a support for the user experience. Its function is to serve as the last alternative to find any video that we have seen before, which will allow us to share, save or even download it.


There is no doubt that TikTok is one of the most popular social networks of the moment and this is something that is largely due to its excellent features. The platform not only allows you to post videos, but also save, download, do duets, and also live broadcasts. In addition, the existence of the history as a little-known option gives us the power to see again everything we have reproduced in our account. In this sense, it will be enough to go to this section to review what we have seen and also to manage it, removing what we do not want to keep.

As we mentioned before, the histories are present in various applications and computer systems, as a crucial element to manage our experience. In the case of TikTok, it is a very interesting support to manage what we have seen, written and also eliminate what we do not want to keep in this area.

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