Today is the last day to update your devices for free to Windows 10


Exactly a year ago today Microsoft officially presented the new Windows 10 and announced that for a year any user with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 could upgrade to the new operating system for free.

That year ends today so if you have not yet made the move to the new operating system, you only have a few hours left to do so and not have to pay a single euro for Windows 10.

A few weeks ago everyone was sure that Microsoft would extend the deadline to be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, but that option seems out of the question and more considering that On August 2, the Anniversary Update, the second major update of the new version of Windows.

To be able to update your device to Windows 10, you only need to have an updated version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, so if this is not the case you must first install all the updates, and then download and install the new version of the operating system most used in the world.

On many occasions we have already encouraged you to take the step towards Windows 10, but if you have not done so yet, hurries the last hours when the new Windows is offered for free to install it on your device and get the most out of it.

Have you already updated your device to the new Windows 10?. Tell us in the space reserved for comments on this entry or on our social networks and also tell us if you have already decided that you are not going to update to the new Windows for free.

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      iOS 5 Forever said

    We do not want it or gifted !! Find out Nadella from the nose !!!