How to use portable programs

  • Portable applications allow you to run programs without installation on different computers.
  • These apps are useful for professionals who work on multiple devices.
  • Portable versions generally do not offer all the features of the full versions.
  • The execution speed depends on the type of USB connection of the computer used.


A few days ago I published an article in which I informed you that portable programs are and the utility that they have in the day-to-day life of people who need to run applications on a daily basis but on different computers, either because they are dedicated to repairing them or because you have to sell your services to companies. In this case, portable apps are always the best solution If we want to show the rough work, to a client so that he can point out the modifications that he considers necessary in our work. Photo editing programs such as Photoshop or design programs such as CoreDraw are not installed on many computers and it makes use of portal applications the best solution for this type of case.

As I also commented in my previous article, portable apps are created by developers in order to make it easier to use on more devices, but not all developers are interested in making their applications run from a USB drive. In fact, the best-known applications such as Photoshop, Office and others have these types of versions, at least officially, but we have to go to web pages where they are available for download.

Portable applications, as a general rule, and depending on the size they occupy they do not usually offer us the same functions as the final versions that are installed on computers, especially when we talk about design or video editing programs, since the amount of storage and consulting the libraries necessary for their operation can make running the application a real headache due to the slowness to carry out each one of the actions that we want.

Running this type of application is as simple as connecting the pendrive to the computer and looking for the directory of the application that we want to run. Once inside, we just have to look for the name of the application, which will have the extension .exe and the application icon to be able to run it without any kind of problems on our computer. It must be taken into account that the speed of writing and reading of the pendrive is limited to the type of USB connection that our computer has and the unit used. Currently USB 3.0 ports are the fastest in terms of speed and data transfer, but today many computers still use the second version of USB.

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      kjbturok said

    Check the text that the word "Portals" has been used several times.

         Ignatius Lopez said

      Blissful concealer. In the end, more than one slipped me after having reviewed it.
      Thank you.