Use your Android phone as a speaker for your PC

  • Using your Android phone as a speaker improves the sound quality of your PC.
  • Low-quality speakers negatively affect the audio experience.
  • AudioRelay is an app that allows for easy sound transmission.
  • Adjustments to your audio software and speaker placement can improve your PC's sound.

Use your Android phone as a speaker for your PC

Nowadays, the computer (desktop or laptop) is much more than a device that we use to work or study. It is also a complete leisure center where we can listen to music or watch movies. The problem is that the sound quality is not always what is desired, and that forces us to look for solutions. A very simple one is to use the mobile as speaker.

If you have a mobile phone with Android operating system, you can improve the quality of the sound that comes out of the PC by following the steps that we are going to see in this tutorial.

Low quality speakers on your PC are a problem

Low quality speakers on your PC are a problem

When buying a computer we look at both the hardware and the software, however, we do not always pay due attention to the speakers. And this can mean that we end up with unpleasant surprises. For example, When verifying that the volume does not increase as much as we would like, or that the sound is not clear enough.

Low-quality speakers can negatively affect the user experience. The most commonly detected problems are:

  • Poor sound quality. The sound is distorted, muffled or with poor clarity. This makes it very difficult to listen to music, immerse yourself in a video game or enjoy a movie or trending series.
  • Lack of frequency range. This means that the speakers are not capable of adequately reproducing low, mid and high tones. As a result, what we get is a flat and uninvolving sound.
  • Unwanted resonance or vibrations. Low-quality speakers have a tendency to produce vibrations or resonances when we increase the volume. This distorts the sound even more and causes discomfort.
  • Weak or non-existent bass. If you usually listen to music with strong bass components, low-quality speakers will not let you enjoy it, because they lack the capacity to reproduce them properly.
  • Fragility and limited durability. These speakers are often made with cheap, low-quality components, which increases the chance of failure and breakage. In the long term, a cheap speaker may cost you more than a higher quality one, because you will have to replace or repair it.
  • electromagnetic interference. A low-quality speaker is susceptible to electromagnetic interference, which results in hum, static, and other unwanted noise when other electronic devices are nearby.
  • Volume and power limitations. The first thing we notice when a speaker is not of good quality is that the sound output power is limited.

How to use your cell phone as a speaker?

How to use your cell phone as a speaker?

If your computer has speakers that are not exactly the best on the market, you can forget about the problem. Because you have the option of using your Android mobile as an external speaker.

If your device has a Windows operating system, you can't do this natively, so you have to resort to third-party applications. But its use is very simple.

Although there are other apps that can help you, we recommend AudioRelay, which is responsible for transmitting the sound directly from your computer to your mobile device. To achieve this, you can Connect the devices using a USB cable, or directly use the WiFi connection and forget about cables.

The steps you have to take are the following:

The steps you have to take are the following:

  • Download the AudioRelay application on your Android mobile and on your computer (it is compatible with Windows, Linux and macOS).
  • Open the app on your computer. In the upper right corner of the application you will see an IP address.
  • Open the app on your mobile and in the section “Player” locate the option “Connect by address”. In the box that appears, paste the IP address that you have obtained on your computer. Then click on "Connect".
  • Go back to the desktop version of the application and in ““Audio device” escoge the option “Virtual speakers”.
  • Connect your mobile to your computer.
  • In the app on your computer, in the "Configuration" activate the option “USB Tethering”.
  • In the Android version see to “Settings” > “Mobile hotspot” > “Network connection” > “USB network connection”.
  • Return to the version of the app on your computer and you will see that it automatically detects your phone as if it were an external speaker.

Although it seems like there are a lot of steps to take, as soon as you have tried using your phone as a speaker a couple of times, you will be set up in just a minute. Besides, We assure you that it is worth it, because you will notice a more powerful and higher quality sound. If you don't want to spend money on new speakers for your computer, this is a quick and economical solution, because the app is completely free.

Tricks to improve the sound of your computer

Another alternative to enjoy higher quality sound is to review your computer's speaker settings and make some adjustments.

Set up audio software

Check the audio parameters of your operating system, in case something is not configured correctly. You can check the equalization and volume levels, but it is also possible make adjustments such as bass enhancement or noise reduction.

Use an audio equalizer

Some media players and audio applications have built-in equalizers that allow manual adjustment of frequency levels, so you can adapt the sound according to your preferences.

Try different settings and see how they affect the sound. It won't work a miracle, but you may get an interesting improvement.

Update audio drivers

Outdated drivers can affect sound quality. So make sure you have the latest audio drivers for your sound card.

Visit the website of your computer or sound card manufacturer to get information about it and download the new drivers if necessary.

Adjust speaker placement

Make sure the computer is on a stable surface and avoid placing it too close to a wall or other objects that could distort the sound.

You already know how to use your cell phone as a speaker through a simple app, and also some tricks to improve sound quality of your computer speakers. We hope that with this information you can improve your experience.

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