Viber already has an application in Windows 10, but beta

  • Viber for Windows 10 beta released.
  • Viber maintains a good market share compared to competitors.
  • The app enables video calling for Windows 10 users.
  • Free download available in the Windows Store.


In the end we are always in the same, Windows 10 is a fantastic system, but the vast majority of decent applications are those provided by Microsoft itself, we find a series of poorly optimized applications or that do not reach the sole of our shoes to the browser application. However, little by little, at the same rate that Windows 10 is standardized, developers begin to pay more attention to it. The application version for Viber has definitely arrived on Windows 10, however, it is still in beta. We do not know exactly how long this beta phase will last, what is clear is that it looks like it will last a long time, as other developers have done.

The betas seem endless on Windows 10, but at least they are working on the app, which is something that makes many users hope. Viber continues to maintain a good market share, despite the fact that others like WhatsApp have eaten the toast well. The messaging application comes strong to Windows 10, also allowing video calls. However, Skype has penetrated too deep in Windows 10, in fact it is not necessary to come preinstalled, what it brings is an installer, and we believe that Viber has little or nothing to do against Skype in Windows 10.

But the wealth and competition in applications is the basis of such an operating system, surely there are millions of Viber customers who have eagerly received this news, they will be able to communicate with their friends through Viber. To download it for free we just have to go to Windows Store and search for "Viber", We can see it in beta, so go ahead, it's time to test and find out how far the new messaging application for Windows 10 goes. Meanwhile, we continue to hope that the Windows 10 catalog is expanded as it deserves.

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